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Srimad Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa | Yuddha Kāṇḍa ~ Sarga 41 of 128

Yuddha Kanda : book of war || Total Sargas (or) Chapters: 128

Abstract: The battle in Lanka between the monkey and the demon armies of Rama and Ravana, respectively. After Ravana is defeated, Sita undergoes the test of fire, completes exile with Rama, and they return to Ayodhya to reign over the Ideal State.

Sarga (chapter): 41 of 128 || śloka (verses): 100

Yuddha Kanda Sarg 6 of 128: Audio pending upload....     
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Vālmīki (Sanskrit: वाल्मीकि)

Vālmīki (Sanskrit: वाल्मीकि)


Rama advises Sugreeva not to repeat such reckless acts in future on the ground of he being a king. Then Rama tells Lakshmana about the various evil portents he had seen. Rama commands the monkey-generals to besiege all the four gates of Lanka. He himself along with Lakshmana protects the army, besieging the northern gate being guarded by Ravana. Then, Rama sends Angada to Ravana, to expostulate him and to bring him back to reason. Angada tries his best to convince Ravana, but in vain. Ravana commands his attendants to seize Angada. Angada shakes out those attendants who tried to seize him ascends the roof of Ravana’s palace, tramples ad crushes it down by his strength. Angada finally returns to Rama, who was stationed in the midst of the monkey-forces.

अथ तस्मिन् निमित्तानि दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मण पूर्वजः |
सुग्रीवम् सम्परिष्वज्य रामो वचनमब्रवीत् || ६-४१-१
atha tasmin nimittaani dR^iShTvaa lakShmaNa puurvajaH |
sugriivam sampariShvajya raamo vachanamabraviit || 6-41-1

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.1

1. atha = then; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; nimitthaani = the marks of conflict; raamaH = Rama; tasmi = on the person of Sugreeva; puurvajaH = the elder brother of Lkshmana; sampariSvajya = embracing sugriivam = Sugreeva; abraviit = and spoke; vachanam = (these) words.

Seeing the marks of conflict on the person of Sugreeva, Rama the elder brother of Lakshmana after embracing Sugreeva spoke these words.

असंमन्त्य्र मया सार्थम् तदिदम् साहसं कृतम् |
एवम् साहसयुक्तानि न कुर्वन्ति जनेश्वराः || ६-४१-२
asaMmantyra mayaa saartham tadidam saahasaM kR^itam |
evam saahasayuktaani na kurvanti janeshvaraaH || 6-41-2

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.2

2. asammantray = without consulting; mayaa saardham = me closely; idam = this; tat = such; saahasam = a reckless act; kR^itam = has been done; janeshvaraaH = the kings; na kurvanti = cannot do; saahasa yuktaani = such rash acts; evam = in this manner.

“Without consulting me closely, such a reckless act has been done by you, such a rashness is not seemly in a king.” .

संशये स्थाप्य माम् चेदम् बलम् चेमम् विभीषनम् |
कष्टं कृतमिदं वीर साहसं साहसप्रिय || ६-४१-३
saMshaye sthaapya maam chedam balam chemam vibhiiShanam |
kaShTaM kR^itamidaM viira saahasaM saahasapriya || 6-41-3

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.3

3. viira = O; warrior; saahasa priya = longing for acts of daring!; idam = this; kaSTam- wrong; saahasam = reckless act; kR^itam = has been done (by you); sthaapya = keeping; maamcha = me; idam = this; balamcha = army; imam = and this; vibhiiSaNam cha = Vibhishana; samshaye = in anxiety.

“O, warrior longing for acts of daring! This wrong and reckless act has been done by you, causing me, this army and Vibhishana great anxiety.” .

इदानीं मा कृथा वीर एवम् विधमरिंदम |
त्वयि किंचित्समापन्ने किम् कार्यम् सीतया मम || ६-४१-४
भरतेन महाबाहो लक्ष्मणेन यवीयसा |
शत्रुघ्नेन च शत्रुघ्न स्वशरीरेण वा पुनः || ६-४१-५
idaaniiM maa kR^ithaa viira evam vidhamari.ndama |
tvayi ki.nchitsamaapanne kim kaaryam siitayaa mama || 6-41-4
bharatena mahaabaaho lakShmaNena yaviiyasaa |
shatrughnena cha shatrughna svashariireNa vaa punaH || 6-41-5

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.4,6.41.5

4; 5. viira = O; warrior!; arimdama = O; Vanquisher of foes!; ma kR^ithaaH = do not act; evamvidham = thus; idaaniim- now; mahaabaaho = O; the mighty armed!; Shatrughna = O; annihilator of enemies!; O; annihilator of enemies!; tvayi = (If) you; kimchit samaapanne = have come by some misfortune; mama = to me; kim kaaryam = what is the use; siitayaa = with Seetha; bharatena = Bharata; lakSmaNena = Lakshmana; yaniiyasaa = and still younger; shatrughnena = Shatrughna; sva shariineNa vaa punaH = or even with my own person?

“O, warrior! O, vanquisher of foes! Do not act thus in future. O, the mighty armed! O, annihilator of enemies! If you have come by some misfortune, I would have had nothing to do with Seetha, Bharata, Lakshmana or still younger Shatrughna or even with my own person.”.

त्वयि चानागते पूर्वमिति मे निश्चिता मतिः |
जानतश्चापि ते वीर्यम् महेन्द्रवरुणोपनु || ६-४१-६
हत्वाहम् रावणम् रावणम् युद्धे सपुत्रबलवाहन्म् |
अभिषिच्य च लङ्कायाम् विभीषण मथापि च || ६-४१-७
भरते राज्यमारोप्य त्यक्ष्ये देहम् महाबल |
tvayi chaanaagate puurvamiti me nishchitaa matiH |
jaanatashchaapi te viiryam mahendravaruNopanu || 6-41-6
hatvaaham raavaNam raavaNam yuddhe saputrabalavaahanm |
abhiShichya cha laN^kaayaam vibhiiShaNa mathaapi cha || 6-41-7
bharate raajyamaaropya tyakShye deham mahaabala |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.6,6.41.7

6; 7. mahaabala = O; monkey of great strength; mahendra varuNopama = equal to Indra the god of celestials and Varuna king of the Universe!; tvayi = (If) you; anaagate = have not returned; jaanatashchaapi = though I am conversant; te = with your; viiryam = valour; me = (this was) my; puurvam = earlier; matiH = determined; nishchitaa = resolve; hatvaa = having killed; raavaNam = Ravana; yuddhe = in fight; saputra bala vaahanam = with his sons forces and chariots; aham = I; abhiSichya = should have installed; vibhiiSaNam = Vibhishana (as king); laNkaayaam = of Lanka; aaropya = placing; raajyam = the kingdom; bharate = in Bharata; athaapi = and even; tyakSye = renounced; deham- my body.

“O, monkey of great strength, equal to Indra the god of celestials and Varuna the king of universe! If you have not returned, though I am conversant with your valour, this was my pre-determined resolve that having killed Ravana in fight with his sons forces and chariots, I should have installed Vibhishana as king of Lanka, placing the kingdom of Ayodhya in the hands of Bharata and renounced my life.”.

तमेवम्वादिनं रामं सुग्रीवः प्रत्यभाषत || ६-४१-८
तव भार्यापहर्तारं दृष्ट्वा राघव रावणम् |
मर्षयामि कथम् वीर जानन्विक्रममात्मनः || ६-४१-९
tamevamvaadinaM raamaM sugriivaH pratyabhaaShata || 6-41-8
tava bhaaryaapahartaaraM dR^iShTvaa raaghava raavaNam |
marShayaami katham viira jaananvikramamaatmanaH || 6-41-9

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.8,6.41.9

8; 9. sugriivaH = Sugreeva; pratyabhaaSata = replied; tam = to that; raamam = Rama; evam vaadinam = who was thus peaking; viira = O; brave; raaghava = Rama!; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; raavaNam = Ravana; tava bhaaryaapahartaaram = who had taken away your consort; jaanan = conscious; aatmanaH = of my own; balam = strength; katham = how; marSayaami = can I bear it?

Hearing Rama’s words, Sugreeva replied as follows: “O, brave Rama! Seeing Ravana who had taken away your consort and being conscious of my own strength, how can I act otherwise?” .

इत्येवंवादिनं वीरमभिनन्द्य च राघवः |
लक्ष्मणम् लक्ष्मि सम्पन्नम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ६-४१-१०
ityevaMvaadinaM viiramabhinandya cha raaghavaH |
lakShmaNam lakShmi sampannam idam vacanam abraviit || 6-41-10

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.10

10. abhinandya = complimenting; viiram = that hero; Sugreeva; ityevam raadinam = who was thus speaking raaghavaH = Rama; abraviit = spoke; idam = these; vachanam = words; lakSmaNam = to Lakshmana; lakSmi sampannam = was was endowed with auspicious marks.

Complimenting that hero Sugreeva who was thus speaking, Rama addressed Lakshmana, who was endowed with auspicious marks, saying: .

परिगृह्य उदकम् शीतम् वनानि फलवन्ति च |
बल ओघम् सम्विभज्य इमम् व्यूह्य तिष्ठेम लक्ष्मण || ६-४१-११
parigR^ihya udakam shiitam vanaani phalavanti ca |
bala ogham samvibhajya imam vyuuhya tiShThema lakShmaNa || 6-41-11

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.11

11. lakSmaNa = O; Lakshmana!; parigR^ihya = occupying; ( a region); shiitam = providing fresh; udakam = water; vanaanicha = and trees; phalavanti = with fruit; samvibhajya = duly divinding; imam = this; balaugham = multitude of troops; vyuuhya = and drawing it up in a battle array; tiSThaama = we should remain alert.

“O, Lakshmana! Beside these fresh waters and trees laden with fruit, let us divide this multitude of troops, drawing it up in a battle array and remain alert.”.

लोक क्षय करम् भीमम् भयम् पश्याम्य् उपस्थितम् |
निबर्हणम् प्रवीराणाम् ऋक्ष वानर रक्षसाम् || ६-४१-१२
loka kShaya karam bhiimam bhayam pashyaamy upasthitam |
nibarhaNam praviiraaNaam R^ikSha vaanara rakShasaam || 6-41-12

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.12

12. pashyaami = I foresee; bhayam = a terrible calamity; upasthitam = to have come; lokakSayakaram = boding universal destruction; bhiimam = awful ; nibarhaNam = and death; praviiraaNaam = to the intrepid; R^ikSavaanara rakSasaam = bears; monkeys and demons.

“I foresee a terrible calamity to come, boding universal destruction and death to the intrepid bears, monkeys and demons.” .

वाताश् च परुषम् वान्ति कम्पते च वसुम् धरा |
पर्वत अग्राणि वेपन्ते पतन्ति धरणी धराः || ६-४१-१३
vaataash ca paruSham vaanti kampate ca vasum dharaa |
parvata agraaNi vepante patanti dharaNii dharaaH || 6-41-13

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.13

13. paruSam = Harsh; vaataaH = winds; vaanti = blow; vasundharaacha = the earth; kampate = trembles; parvataagraaNi = Mountain-peaks; vepante = shake; dharNiidharaaH = and the elephants bearing the earth; nadanti = trumpet.

“Harsh winds blow. The earth trembles. Mountain-peaks shake and the elephants bearing the earth trumpet.” .

मेघाः क्रव्याद सम्काशाह् परुषाह् परुष स्वनाः |
क्रूराह् क्रूरम् प्रवर्षन्ति मिश्रम् शोणित बिन्दुभिः || ६-४१-१४
meghaaH kravyaada samkaashaah paruShaah paruSha svanaaH |
kruuraah kruuram pravarShanti mishram shoNita bindubhiH || 6-41-14

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.14

14. kruuraH = Sinister; meghaaH = clouds; paruSa svanaaH = prey roar; paruSaaH = violently; kravyaada samkaashaaH = like carnivorous animals; pravarSanti = and let fall rain; mishram = mixed; shoNita bindubhiH = with drops of blood.

“Sinister clouds prey-roar violently like carnivorous animals and let fall a rain mixed with drops of blood.” .

रक्त चन्दन सम्काशा संध्या परम दारुणा |
ज्वलच् च निपतत्य् एतद् आदित्याद् अग्नि मण्डलम् || ६-४१-१५
rakta candana samkaashaa sa.ndhyaa parama daaruNaa |
jvalac ca nipataty etad aadityaad agni maNDalam || 6-41-15

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.15

15. sandhyaa = the dusk; raktachandana samkaashaa = red as sandal; param = daaruNaa = is full of horror; aadityaat = and from the sun; etat = this; jvalat = blazing; agnimaNDalam = mass of fire; nipatati = falls.

“The dusk, red as sandal, is full of horror and from the sun, this blazing mass of fire falls.” .

आदित्यम् अभि वाश्यन्ते जनयन्तो महद् भयम् |
दीना दीन स्वरा घोरा;अप्रशस्ता मृग द्विजाः || ६-४१-१६
aadityam abhi vaashyante janayanto mahad bhayam |
diinaa diina svaraa ghoraa;aprashastaa mR^iga dvijaaH || 6-41-16

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.16

16. KruuraaH = wild; mR^iga dvijaaH = beasts and birds; diina svaraaH = emit frantic cris; diinaaH = and are ill at ease; aprashastaaH = ominous; janayantaH = inspiring; mahat = great; bhayam = fear; abhi vaashyanti = facing; aadityam = the sun.

“Wile beasts and birds emit frantic cries, ill at ease and ominous, inspiring great fear, facing the sun.” .

रजन्याम् अप्रकाशश् च सम्तापयति चन्द्रमाः |
कृष्ण रक्त अंशु पर्यन्तो यथा लोकस्य सम्क्षये || ६-४१-१७
rajanyaam aprakaashash ca samtaapayati candramaaH |
kR^iShNa rakta a.nshu paryanto yathaa lokasya samkShaye || 6-41-17

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.17

17. chandramaaH = the moon; aprashastaH = shorn of its radiance; kR^iSNa raktaamshu paryantaH = surrounded by black and fiery rays; burns red; samkSaye tathaa = as at the time of the destraction of the world; samtaapayati = (and) is creating anguish; rajanyaam = in the night.

“The moon shorn of its radiance, surrounded by black and fiery rays, burns red as at the time of destruction of the word and is creating an anguish in the night.”.

ह्रस्वो रूक्षो अप्रशस्तश् च परिवेषह् सुलोहितः |
आदित्य मण्डले नीलम् लक्ष्म लक्ष्मण दृश्यते || ६-४१-१८
hrasvo ruukSho aprashastash ca pariveShah sulohitaH |
aaditya maNDale niilam lakShma lakShmaNa dR^ishyate || 6-41-18

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.18

18. lakSmaNa = O; Lakshamana!; aaditya maNDale = In the disk of the sun; hrasvaH = a small; pariveSaH = halo; niilam = with a black; lakSma = mark; ruukSaH = fiery; aprashastaH = shoren of its radiance; sulohitaH = and of coppery hue; lakSyate = is seen.

“O, Lakshmana! In the disk of the sun, a small halo with a black mark, fiery, shorn of its radiance and of coppery hue is seen.” .

दृश्यन्ते न यथावच् च नक्षत्राण्य् अभिवर्तते |
युग अन्तम् इव लोकस्य पश्य लक्ष्मण शंसति || ६-४१-१९
dR^ishyante na yathaavac ca nakShatraaNy abhivartate |
yuga antam iva lokasya pashya lakShmaNa sha.nsati || 6-41-19

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.19

19. lakSmaNa = O; Lakshmana!; pashya = behold; nakSatraaNi = (that) the stars; dR^ishyante = are not appearing; yathaavat = as they should be; shamsatiiva = foretelling; abhivartate = and intending to quicken; yugaantam = a final dissolution; lokasya = of the world.

“O, Lakshmana! The stars are not appearing as they should be duly foretelling their intention to hasten a final dissolution of the world.”.

काकाः श्येनास् तथा गृध्रा नीचैह् परिपतन्ति च |
शिवाश् च अप्य् अशिवा वाचह् प्रवदन्ति महा स्वनाः || ६-४१-२०
kaakaaH shyenaas tathaa gR^idhraa niicaih paripatanti ca |
shivaash ca apy ashivaa vaacah pravadanti mahaa svanaaH || 6-41-20

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.20

20. kaakaaH = crows; shyenaaH = eagles; tathaa = and gR^idhraaH = vultures; paripatanti cha = are whirling round; niichaiH = at a lower level; shivaashcha = Jackals to; pravadanti = are howling; ashubhaaH = inauspicious; vaachaH = sounds.

“Crows, eagles and vultures are whirling round at a lower level. Jackals too are howling inauspicious sounds.” .

शैलैः शूलैश्च खड्गैश्च विमुक्तेः कपिराक्षसैः |
भविष्यत्यावृता भूमिर्मांसशोणितकर्दमा || ६-४१-२१
shailaiH shuulaishcha khaDgaishcha vimukteH kapiraakShasaiH |
bhaviShyatyaavR^itaa bhuumirmaaMsashoNitakardamaa || 6-41-21

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.21

21. bhuumiH = the earth; aavR^itaa = crowded; shailaiH = with rocks; shuulaishcha = darts; khaDgaishcha = and dagers; vimuktaiH = discharged; kapi raakSasaiH = by monkeys and demons; bhaviSyati = will become; maamasa shoNita kardamaa = a slime of flesh and blood.

“The earth, crowded with rocks, darts and daggers discharged by monkeys and demons, will become a slime of flesh and blood.”.

क्षिप्रम् अद्य दुराधर्षाम् पुरीम् रावण पालिताम् |
अभियाम जवेन एव सर्वतो हरिभिर् वृताः || ६-४१-२२
kShipram adya duraadharShaam puriim raavaNa paalitaam |
abhiyaama javena eva sarvato haribhir vR^itaaH || 6-41-22

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.22

22. abhiyaama = we shall attack; duraadharSaam = the invincible puriim = city; raavaNa paalitaam = ruled by Ravana; javenaiva = swiftly; sarvataH = from all sides; adya = now; kSipram = quickly; vR^itaaH = surrounded; haribhiH = by the monkeys.

“Now surrounded by the monkeys from all sides, let us make an attack on that invincible citadel ruled by Ravana quickly and swiftly.”.

इत्य् एवम् तु वदन् वीरो लक्ष्मणम् लक्ष्मण अग्रजः |
तस्माद् अवातरत् शीघ्रम् पर्वत अग्रान् महा बलः || ६-४१-२३
ity evam tu vadan viiro lakShmaNam lakShmaNa agrajaH |
tasmaad avaatarat shiighram parvata agraan mahaa balaH || 6-41-23

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.23

23. ityevam = thus; vadan = speaking; lakSmaNam = to Lakshmana; viiraH = the heroic; lakSmaNaagrajaH = Rama; mahaabalaH = of great strength; avaatarat = descended; shiighram = quickly; tasmaat = from that; parvataagraat = mountain-peak.

Thus speaking to Lakshmana, the heroic Rama of great strength climbed down from that mountain-peak. .

अवतीर्य तु धर्म आत्मा तस्मात् शैलात् स राघवः |
परैः परम दुर्धर्षम् ददर्श बलम् आत्मनः || ६-४१-२४
avatiirya tu dharma aatmaa tasmaat shailaat sa raaghavaH |
paraiH parama durdharSham dadarsha balam aatmanaH || 6-41-24

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.24

24. avatiirya = having descended; tasmaat = shailaat = from that mountain; saH = that; dharmaatmaa = righteous minded; raaghavaH = Rama; dadarsha = saw; aatmanaH balam = his own army; param durdharSam = which was verily unconquerable; pariah = by the enemies.

Having descended from that mountain, Rama, whose mind was set on righeousness, held a review of his own army, which was verily difficult to conquer for the enemies.

सम्नह्य तु ससुग्रीवह् कपि राज बलम् महत् |
कालज्नो राघवह् काले सम्युगाय अभ्यचोदयत् || ६-४१-२५
samnahya tu sasugriivah kapi raaja balam mahat |
kaalajno raaghavah kaale samyugaaya abhyacodayat || 6-41-25

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.25

25. raaggavaH = Rama; kaaljJNaH = who knows the appropriate time; sasugriivaH = along with Sugreeva; samnahya = made ready; mahat = the great; kapila raja balam = army of Sugreeva; abhyachodayat = and commanded (the army) to advance; kale at the appropriate moment; samyngaaya = for the battle.

Rama, who knew the fitting moment to act, along with Sugreeva made ready the great army and commanded the army to advance, at the appropriate moment for the battle.

ततः काले महा बाहुर् बलेन महता वृतः |
प्रस्थितह् पुरतो धन्वी लन्काम् अभिमुखह् पुरीम् || ६-४१-२६
tataH kaale mahaa baahur balena mahataa vR^itaH |
prasthitah purato dhanvii lankaam abhimukhah puriim || 6-41-26

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.26

26. tataH = then; mahaabaahuH = Rama; the mighty armed; vR^itaH = together with; mahataa = the mighty; balena = army; prasthitaH = marched; purataH = in front; dhanvii = wielding a bow; abhimukhaH = towards; laNkaam puriim = the city of Lanka; kale = at the befitting moment.

Rama, the mighty armed, together with the mighty army marched in front, wielding a bow, towards the city of Lanka, at the befitting moment.

तम् विभीषण सुग्रीवौ हनूमान् जाम्बवान् नलः |
ऋक्ष राजस् तथा नीलो लक्ष्मणश् च अन्ययुस् तदा || ६-४१-२७
tam vibhiiShaNa sugriivau hanuumaan jaambavaan nalaH |
R^ikSha raajas tathaa niilo lakShmaNash ca anyayus tadaa || 6-41-27

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.27

27. tadaa = then; vibhiiSaNa sugriivau = Vibhishana; Sugreeva; hanuman = Hanuman; Jaambavau = Jambavan; R^ikSaraajaH = the king of bears; nalaH = Nala; tathaa = and; niilaH = Nila; lakSmaNashcha = and Lakshmana; anvayuH = accompanied; tam = that Rama.

Then, Vibhishana, Sugreeva, Hanuman, Jambavan the king of bears, Nala, Nila and Lakshmana accompanied that Rama.

ततः पश्चात् सुमहती पृतना ऋक्ष वन ओकसाम् |
प्रच्चाद्य महतीम् भूमिम् अनुयाति स्म राघवम् || ६-४१-२८
tataH pashcaat sumahatii pR^itanaa R^ikSha vana okasaam |
pracchaadya mahatiim bhuumim anuyaati sma raaghavam || 6-41-28

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.28

28. tataH = thereafter; prachchhaadya = enveloping; mahatiim = the extensive; bhuumim = earth; mahatii = the great; pR^itanaa = army; R^ikSa vanaukasaam = of bears and monkeys; pashchaat = behind them; anuyaati sma = went; accompanying; raaghavam = Rama.

Thereafter, fully covering a vast stretch of land, the great army of bears and monkeys, followed in the wake of Rama.

शैल शृन्गाणि शतशह् प्रवृद्धांश् च मही रुहाम् |
जगृहुह् कुन्जर प्रख्या वानराह् पर वारणाः || ६-४१-२९
shaila shR^ingaaNi shatashah pravR^iddhaa.nsh ca mahii ruhaam |
jagR^ihuh kunjara prakhyaa vaanaraah para vaaraNaaH || 6-41-29

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.29

29. vaanaraH = monkeys; paravaaraNaaH = the annihilator of enemies; kuNjara prakhyaaH = resembling elephants; jagR^ihuH = took hold of; shailashR^iNgaaNi = mountain-peaks; shatashaH = and hundreds of; pravR^iddhaan = well- grown; mahiiruhaan = huge trees.

Monkeys, the annihilator of enemies, resembling elephants, took hold of mountain-peaks and hundreds of well-grown huge trees .

तौ त्व् अदीर्घेण कालेन भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |
रावणस्य पुरीम् लन्काम् आसेदतुर् अरिम् दमौ || ६-४१-३०
tau tv adiirgheNa kaalena bhraatarau raama lakShmaNau |
raavaNasya puriim lankaam aasedatur arim damau || 6-41-30

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.30

30. tau = bhraatarau raama lakSmaNau = those brothers; Rama and Lakshmana;arindamau = the destroyers of adversaries; aasedatuH = reached; purrim = the city; laN^aam = of Lanka; raavaNasya = of Ravana; adiirgheNa = in not a long; kaalena = time.

Those two brothers Rama and Lakshmana, the destroyers of their adversaries, reached the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana, in not a long time.

पताका मालिनीम् रम्याम् उद्यान वन शोभिताम् |
चित्र वप्राम् सुदुष्प्रापाम् उच्च प्राकार तोरणाम् || ६-४१-३१
ताम् सुरैर् अपि दुर्धर्षाम् राम वाक्य प्रचोदिताः |
यथा निदेशम् सम्पीड्य न्यविशन्त वन ओकसः || ६-४१-३२
pataakaa maaliniim ramyaam udyaana vana shobhitaam |
citra vapraam suduShpraapaam ucca praakaara toraNaam || 6-41-31
taam surair api durdharShaam raama vaakya pracoditaaH |
yathaa nidesham sampiiDya nyavishanta vana okasaH || 6-41-32

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.31,6.41.32

31; 32. vanaukasaH = the monkeys; raama vaakya prachoditaaH = encouraged by the sound of Rama’s voice (and); sampiiDya = obedient; yathaanidesham = to his command; nyavishanta = halted before; taam = that Lanka; pataaka maaliniim = garlanded with banners; ramyaam = beautiful; udyaana vana shobitaam = splendid with pleasure gardens; chitra vapraam = having an unusual rampart; suduSpraapaam = which is inaccessible; uchchaiH praakaara toraNaam = with its elevated arched door-ways; durdharSaam = invincible; surairapi = even by celestials.

The monkeys, encouraged by the sound of Rama’s voice and obedient to his command, halted before the city of Lanka, garlanded with banners, beautiful and splendid with pleasure-gardens, having an unusual rampart which is inaccessible with its elevated arched door-ways and invincible even by the celestials.

लन्कायास् तु उत्तर द्वारम् शैल शृन्गम् इव उन्नतम् |
रामः सह अनुजो धन्वी जुगोप च रुरोध च || ६-४१-३३
लन्काम् उपनिविष्टश् च रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |
लक्ष्मण अनुचरो वीरह् पुरीम् रावण पालिताम् || ६-४१-३४
उत्तर द्वारम् आसाद्य यत्र तिष्ठति रावणः |
न अन्यो रामाद्द् हि तद् द्वारम् समर्थह् परिरक्षितुम् || ६-४१-३५
रावण अधिष्ठितम् भीमम् वरुणेन इव सागरम् |
सायुधौ राक्षसैर् भीमैर् अभिगुप्तम् समन्ततः || ६-४१-३६
लघूनाम् त्रास जननम् पातालम् इव दानवैः |
lankaayaas tu uttara dvaaram shaila shR^ingam iva unnatam |
raamaH saha anujo dhanvii jugopa ca rurodha ca || 6-41-33
lankaam upaniviShTash ca raamo dasharatha aatmajaH |
lakShmaNa anucaro viirah puriim raavaNa paalitaam || 6-41-34
uttara dvaaram aasaadya yatra tiShThati raavaNaH |
na anyo raamaadd hi tad dvaaram samarthah parirakShitum || 6-41-35
raavaNa adhiShThitam bhiimam varuNena iva saagaram |
saayudhau raakShasair bhiimair abhiguptam samantataH || 6-41-36
laghuunaam traasa jananam paataalam iva daanavaiH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.33 to 6.41.36

33; 34; 35; 36. aasaadya = Reaching; laNkaam puriim = the city of Lanka; raavaNa paalitaam = ruled by Ravana; viiraH = the heroic; raamaH = Rama; dasharaatmajaH = the son of Dasaratha; lakSmaNaamaNaanu charaH = accompanied by Lakshmana; upaniviSTaH = halted near; uttara dvaaram = the northern gate; yatra = where; raavaNaH = Ravana; tiSThati = stayed; anyaH = who else; na samarthaH hi = indeed is capable; parirakSitum = to examine; tata dvaaram = that gate; raavaNaadhiSThitam = regulated by Ravana; bhiimam = terrific; saagaram iva = as an ocean; varuNena = regulated by Varuna; abhiguptam = guarded; bhiimaiH = by awful; daanavaiH = demons; samastataH = on all sides; traasajananam = creating fear; laghuunaam = to the lay men; paataalamiva = like a subterranean region; rakSasaiH = guarded by demons.

Reaching the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana, the heroic Rama the son of Dasaratha accompanied by Lakshmana, halted near the northern gate, where Ravana stayed. Who else but Rama is capable of protecting the army besieging that gate, regulated by Ravana, as an ocean, regulated by Varuna, guarded by awful demons on all sides and creating fear to the weak as a subterranean region is guarded by demons?.

विन्यस्तानि च योधानाम् बहूनि विविधानि च |
ददर्श आयुध जालानि तथैव कवचानि च || ६-४१-३७
vinyastaani ca yodhaanaam bahuuni vividhaani ca |
dadarsha aayudha jaalaani tathaiva kavacaani ca || 6-41-37

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.37

37. dadarsha = (Rama) saw; vividhaanicha = various types; bahuuni = and multitude; aayudhajaalaani = of collection of weapons; tathaiva = and kavachaanicha = and shields; vinyastaani = kept there; yodhaanaam = by the warriors.

Rama saw various types and multitude of weapons and shields kept there by the warriors.

पूर्वम् तु द्वारम् आसाद्य नीलो हरि चमू पतिः |
अतिष्ठत् सह मैन्देन द्विविदेन च वीर्यवान् || ६-४१-३८
puurvam tu dvaaram aasaadya niilo hari camuu patiH |
atiShThat saha maindena dvividena ca viiryavaan || 6-41-38

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.38

38. niilaH = Nila; viiryavaan = the valiant; hari chamuupatiH = army-chief of monkeys; maindena saha = together with Mainda; dvividena cha saha = and Dvivida; aasaadya = reached; aatiSThat = and halted; (near); puurvam dvaaram = eastern gate.

Nila, the valiant army-chief of monkeys together with Mainda and Dvivida reached and halted before the Eastern gate.

अन्गदो दक्षिण द्वारम् जग्राह सुमहा बलः |
ऱ्षभेण गव अक्षेण गजेन गवयेन च || ६-४१-३९
angado dakShiNa dvaaram jagraaha sumahaa balaH |
RShabheNa gava akSheNa gajena gavayena ca || 6-41-39

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.39

39. aNgadaH = Angada; sumahaabalaH = of very mighty prowess; R^iSabheNa = together with R^iShabha; gavaakSeNa = Gavaksha; gajena = Gaja; gavayena = and Gavaya; jagraaha = took hold; dakSiNa dvaaram = of southern gate.

Angada of very mighty prowess, together with Rishhabha, Gavaksha, Gaja and Gavaya took charge of the Southern gate .

हनूमान् पश्चिम द्वारम् ररक्ष बलवान् कपिः |
प्रमाथि प्रघसाभ्याम् च वीरैर् अन्यैश् च सम्गतः || ६-४१-४०
hanuumaan pashcima dvaaram rarakSha balavaan kapiH |
pramaathi praghasaabhyaam ca viirair anyaish ca samgataH || 6-41-40

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.40

40. balavaan = the storng; kapiH = monkey; hanuman = Hanuman; prajaN^gha sangataH = along with; tarasaabhyaam cha = Prajangha; Tarasa; anyeH = and other; viiraishcha = warriors; rarakSa = guarded; pashchima dvaaram = the western gate.

The strong monkey Hanuman together with Prajangha, Tarasa and other warriors, guarded the western gate.

मध्यमे च स्वयम् गुल्मे सुग्रीवह् समतिष्ठत |
सह सर्वैर् हरि श्रेष्ठैह् सुपर्ण श्वसन उपमैः || ६-४१-४१
madhyame ca svayam gulme sugriivah samatiShThata |
saha sarvair hari shreShThaih suparNa shvasana upamaiH || 6-41-41

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.41

41. sugriivaH = Sugreeva; saha sarvaiH = along with all; harishreSThaiH = the chiefs of monkeys; ssuparNa pavanopamaiH = equal to Garuda the eagle and the vehicle of Vishnu and Vayu the god of the wind; samatiSThata = stationed svayam- himself madhyame = in the middle; gulme = of the fort.

Sugreeva, along with all the chiefs of monkeys equal to the strength of Garuda (the eagle and the vehicle of Vishnu) as well as Vayu the god of the wind, was stationed himself in the middle of the fort.

वानराणाम् तु षट् त्रिंशत् कोट्यह् प्रख्यात यूथपाः || ६-४१-४२
निपीड्य उपनिविष्टाश् च सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः |
vaanaraaNaam tu ShaT tri.nshat koTyah prakhyaata yuuthapaaH || 6-41-42
nipiiDya upaniviShTaash ca sugriivo yatra vaanaraH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.42

42. SaTtrimshatkoTya = thirty six crores; vaanaraaNaam = of monkeys; prakyaata yuuthapaaH = highly renowned generals; upanivivSTaaH = stood besiezed; yatra = where; vaanaraH = the monkey; sugriivaH = Sugreeva (was); nipiiDya = having exerted pressure (on the demons occupying that post).

Thirty six crores of monkeys, highly renowned generals stood besiezed, where the monkey Sugreeva was there, having exerted pressure on the demons occupying that post.

शासनेन तु रामस्य लक्ष्मणह् सविभीषणः || ६-४१-४३
द्वारे द्वारे हरीणाम् तु कोटिम् कोटिम् न्यवेशयत् |
shaasanena tu raamasya lakShmaNah savibhiiShaNaH || 6-41-43
dvaare dvaare hariiNaam tu koTim koTim nyaveshayat |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.43

43. raamasya = under Rama’s; shaasanena = command; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; savibhiiSanaH = along with Vibhishana; nyaveshayat = distributed; koTim koTim = a crore each; hariiNaam = of monkeys; dvaare dvaare = at each gate.

Meanwhile, under Rama’s command, Lakshmana along with Vibhishana distributed a crore each of his monkeys at each gate.

पश्चिमेन तु रामस्य सुग्रीवह् सह जाम्बवान् || ६-४१-४४
अदूरान् मध्यमे गुल्मे तस्थौ बहु बल अनुगः |
pashcimena tu raamasya sugriivah saha jaambavaan || 6-41-44
aduuraan madhyame gulme tasthau bahu bala anugaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.44

44. pashchimena = behind; raamasya = Rama; aduuraat = not far from him; suSeNaH = Sushena; saha jaambavaan = together with Jambavan; bahubalaanugaH = followed by a multitude of forces; tasthau = stood; madhyaame gulme = at the intermediate post.

Behind Rama and not far from him, Sushena together with Jambavan, followed by a multitude of forces, stood at the intermediate post .

ते तु वानर शार्दूलाह् शार्दूला;इव दम्ष्ट्रिणः || ६-४१-४५
गृहीत्वा द्रुम शैल अग्रान् हृष्टा युद्धाय तस्थिरे |
te tu vaanara shaarduulaah shaarduulaa;iva damShTriNaH || 6-41-45
gR^ihiitvaa druma shaila agraan hR^iShTaa yuddhaaya tasthire |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.45

45. te = those; vaanara shaarduulaaH = lions among the monkeys; damSTriNaH = possessing the teeth; shaarduulaaH iva = of tigers; gR^ihiitvaa = taking hold; druma shailaagraan = of trees ad rocks; tasthire = waited; hR^iSTaraH = delightedly; yuddhaaya = (for the signal) to fight.

Those lions among the monkeys, possessing the teeth of tigers, taking hold of trees and rocks, waited delightedly for the signal to fight.

सर्वे विकृत लान्गूलाह् सर्वे दम्ष्ट्रा नख आयुधाः || ६-४१-४६
सर्वे विकृत चित्र अन्गाह् सर्वे च विकृत आननाः |
sarve vikR^ita laanguulaah sarve damShTraa nakha aayudhaaH || 6-41-46
sarve vikR^ita citra angaah sarve ca vikR^ita aananaaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.46

46. sarve = all of them were; feverishly; sarve = all of them were; damSTraanakhaayudhaaH = using their jaws and nails as weapons; sarve = all of them were; vikR^ita chitraaNgaaH = trembling in every limb; sarve cha = all of them; vikR^itaananaaH = had their faces set grimly.

All of them were lashing their tails feverishly, using their jaws and nails as weapons, trembling in every limb and had their faces set grimly.

दश नाग बलाह् केचित् केचिद् दश गुण उत्तराः || ६-४१-४७
केचिन् नाग सहस्रस्य बभूवुस् तुल्य विक्रमाः |
dasha naaga balaah kecit kecid dasha guNa uttaraaH || 6-41-47
kecin naaga sahasrasya babhuuvus tulya vikramaaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.47

47. kechit = some were; dashanaaga balaaH = having a strength of ten elephants; kachit; some were; dashaguNottaraaH = having a strength of ten times of that; kechit = some; babhuuvuH = were; tulya vikramaaH = equal to the strength of a thousand elephants.

Some were having the strength of ten elephants, some a ten times of that and some were equal to the strength of a thousand elephants .

सन्ति च ओघा बलाह् केचित् केचित् शत गुण उत्तराः || ६-४१-४८
अप्रमेय बलाश् च अन्ये तत्र आसन् हरि यूथपाः |
santi ca oghaa balaah kecit kecit shata guNa uttaraaH || 6-41-48
aprameya balaash ca anye tatra aasan hari yuuthapaaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.48

48. kechit = some were; oghabalaaH = having the strength of an ogha* of elephants; kechit = some; santi = were; dashaguNottaraaH = having strength; ten times to that; anye = some others; tatra = there; aasan = were; hari yuuthapaaH = chiefs of monkeys; aprameya balaashcha = having a strength; which was immeasurable.

Some were having the strength of an ogha* of elephants. Some were endowed with a strength of ten times to that. some others there were chiefs of monkeys, having an immeasurable strength.

*For the number represented by on ogha vide canto 28, Sarga 37 .

अद्भुतश् च विचित्रश् च तेषाम् आसीत् समागमः || ६-४१-४९
तत्र वानर सैन्यानाम् शलभानाम् इव उद्गमः |
adbhutash ca vicitrash ca teShaam aasiit samaagamaH || 6-41-49
tatra vaanara sainyaanaam shalabhaanaam iva udgamaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.49

49. adbhutashcha = marvelous; vichitrashcha = and astonishing; aasiit = was; samaagamaH = the gathering; teSaam = of those; vaanara sainyaanaam = troops of monkeys; tatra = there; udgamaH iva = like aflight; shalabhaanaam = of locusts.

Marvellous and astonishing was the gathering of those troops of monkeys there, like a swarm of locusts .

पतिपूर्णम् इव आकाशम् संचन्ना इव च मेदिनी || ६-४१-५०
लन्काम् उपनिविष्टैश् च सम्पतद्भिश् च वानरैः |
patipuurNam iva aakaasham sa.nchannaa iva ca medinii || 6-41-50
lankaam upaniviShTaish ca sampatadbhish ca vaanaraiH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.50

50. vaanaraiH = by the monkeys; upaniviSTaiH = who reached; laNkaam = Lanka; sampatadbhishcha = and by those stationed already beneath its walls; aakaasham = the air; pratipuurNamiva = seems to be completely filled; mediniicha = the land also; sampuurNeva = seems to be entirely filled.

By the monkeys who reached Lanka and by those stationed already beneath its walls, the air and earth seem to be completely filled..

शतम् शत सहस्राणाम् पृथग् ऋक्ष वन ओकसाम् || ६-४१-५१
लन्का द्वाराण्य् उपाजग्मुर् अन्ये योद्धुम् समन्ततः |
shatam shata sahasraaNaam pR^ithag R^ikSha vana okasaam || 6-41-51
lankaa dvaaraaNy upaajagmur anye yoddhum samantataH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.51

51. shatam = a hundred divisions; shatasahasraaNaam = of on lakh; R^ijSa vanaukasaam = bears and monkeys; pR^ithak = each; upaajagmuH = poured; laNkaadvaaraaNi = towards the gates of Lanka; (while) anye = others; (proceeded); yoddhum = to fight; samantataH = on every side.

A hundred divisions of one lakh each of bears and monkeys poured towards the gates of Lanka, while others proceeded to fight on every side .

आवृतह् स गिरिह् सर्वैस् तैह् समन्तात् प्लवम् गमैः || ६-४१-५२
अयुतानाम् सहस्रम् च पुरीम् ताम् अभ्यवर्तत |
aavR^itah sa girih sarvais taih samantaat plavam gamaiH || 6-41-52
ayutaanaam sahasram ca puriim taam abhyavartata |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.52

52. saH giriH = that mountain; aavR^itaH = was covered; taiH = by those; plavaNgamaiH = monkeys; samantaat = on every side; sahasram aayutaanaam = A crore; abhyavartataH = ranged round; taam = that; puriim = city.

Those monkeys covered the mountain on every side. A crore of them ranged round that city.

वानरैर् बलवद्भिश् च बभूव द्रुम पाणिभिः || ६-४१-५३
सर्वतह् सम्वृता लन्का दुष्प्रवेशा अपि वायुना |
vaanarair balavadbhish ca babhuuva druma paaNibhiH || 6-41-53
sarvatah samvR^itaa lankaa duShpraveshaa api vaayunaa |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.53

53. vaayunaapi = even winds; babhuuva = were; duSpraveshaa = unable to enter; laN^kaa = in Lanka; savR^itaa = surrounded; sarvataH = on all sides; vaanaraiH = by monkeys; drumapaaNibhiH = holding tree trunks in their hands; balavadbhiH = being strong as they were.

Even winds were unable to penetrate Lanka being surrounded on all sides by heroic monkeys holding tree trunks in their hands .

राक्षसा विस्मयम् जग्मुह् सहसा अभिनिपीडिताः || ६-४१-५४
वानरैर् मेघ सम्काशैह् शक्र तुल्य पराक्रमैः |
raakShasaa vismayam jagmuh sahasaa abhinipiiDitaaH || 6-41-54
vaanarair megha samkaashaih shakra tulya paraakramaiH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.54

54. raakSasaaH = the demons; shakratulya paraakramaiH = who in their valour equaled indra the ruler of gods; abhinipiiDitaaH = (seeing themselves) beseized; vaanaraiH = by monkeys; meghasamkaashaiH = like clouds; jagmuH = were struck; sahasaa = with sudden; vismayam = terror.

The demons, who in their valour equaled Indra the ruler of gods, seeing themselves besieged, as by clouds, were struck with sudden terror .

महान् शब्दो अभवत् तत्र बल ओघस्य अभिवर्ततः || ६-४१-५५
सागरस्य इव भिन्नस्य यथा स्यात् सलिल स्वनः |
mahaan shabdo abhavat tatra bala oghasya abhivartataH || 6-41-55
saagarasya iva bhinnasya yathaa syaat salila svanaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.55

55. balaughasya = (while) the flock of troops; abhivartataH = was advancing; tatra = there; mahaan = a tremendous; shabdaH = clamour; abhavat = arose; yathaa = as; syaat = becomes of; salilasvanaH = a roar in the water; saagarasyena = of the ocen; bhinnasya = beating against its shore.

While the flock of monkey- troops was advancing there, a tremendous clamour arose, resembling a roar in the ocean beating against its shore.

तेन शब्देन महता सप्राकारा सतोरणा || ६-४१-५६
लन्का प्रचलिता सर्वा सशैल वन कानना |
tena shabdena mahataa sapraakaaraa satoraNaa || 6-41-56
lankaa pracalitaa sarvaa sashaila vana kaananaa |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.56

56. mahataa tena shabdena = by that great tumult; sarvaa = the entire; laN^kaa = Lanka; sapraakaaraa = with its ramparts; satoraNaa = arches; sashaila vana kaananaa = hills woods and forests; prachalitaa = began to tremble.

By that great tumult, the entire Lanka with its ramparts arches, hills, woods and forests began to tremble.

राम लक्ष्मण गुप्ता सा सुग्रीवेण च वाहिनी || ६-४१-५७
बभूव दुर्धर्षतरा सर्वैर् अपि सुर असुरैः |
raama lakShmaNa guptaa saa sugriiveNa ca vaahinii || 6-41-57
babhuuva durdharShataraa sarvair api sura asuraiH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.57

57. saa = that; harivaahinii = army of monkeys; raama lakSmaNa guptaa = guarded by Rama; Lakshmana; sugriiveNacha = and Sugreeva; babhuuva = became; durdharSataraa = even more inivincible; sarvaiH = than all; suraasurairapi = celestials and demons.

That army of monkeys, guarded by Rama, Lakshmana and Sugreeva became even more invinceible than all the celestials and demons put together .

राघवह् सम्निवेश्य एवम् सैन्यम् स्वम् रक्षसाम् वधे || ६-४१-५८
सम्मन्त्र्य मन्त्रिभिह् सार्धम् निश्चित्य च पुनह् पुनः |
आनन्तर्यम् अभिप्रेप्सुह् क्रम योग अर्थ तत्त्ववित् || ६-४१-५९
विभीषणस्य अनुमते राज धर्मम् अनुस्मरन् |
अन्गदम् वालि तनयम् समाहूय इदम् अब्रवीत् || ६-४१-६०
raaghavah samniveshya evam sainyam svam rakShasaam vadhe || 6-41-58
sammantrya mantribhih saardham nishcitya ca punah punaH |
aanantaryam abhiprepsuh krama yoga artha tattvavit || 6-41-59
vibhiiShaNasya anumate raaja dharmam anusmaran |
angadam vaali tanayam samaahuuya idam abraviit || 6-41-60

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.58 to 6.41.60

58; 59; 60. samviveshya = having ranged; svam = his; sainyam = forces; evam = thus; (in the battle-array); vadhe = with a view to destruct; rakSasaam = the demons; raaghavaH = Rama; karma yogaartha tattva vit = who knew about four expedients (to be used against an enemy in the shape of conciliation; gift; sowing dissention and punishment) employed in succession; sammantrtray = took counsel; punaH punaH = again and again; mantribhiH saartham = with his counsellors; nishchitya = and arrived at a decision; anusmaran = calling to his mind; raja dharmam = the duty of the kings; samaahuuya = summoning; aN^gadam = Angada; vaalitanayam = the son of Vali; (Rama); aanantaryam abhipropsum = who was eager to undertake what was to be done next; animate = acting in concurrence with; vibhiiSaNasya = Vibhishana; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words.

Having thus ranged his forces, with a view to destroy the demons, Rama who knew about the four expedients (to be used against an enemy in the shape of conciliation, gift, sowing dissension and punishment) employed in succession, took counsel again and again with his ministers and arrived at a decision. Calling to his mind the duty of the kings, Rama who was eager to undertake what was to be done next, in concurrence with Vibhishana, summoned Angada the son of Vali and spoke as follows:.

गत्वा सौम्य दशग्रीवम् ब्रूहि मद् वचनात् कपे |
लन्घयित्वा पुरीम् लन्काम् भयम् त्यक्त्वा गत व्यथः || ६-४१-६१
भ्रष्ट श्रीक गत ऐश्वर्य मुमूर्षो नष्ट चेतनः |
gatvaa saumya dashagriivam bruuhi mad vacanaat kape |
langhayitvaa puriim lankaam bhayam tyaktvaa gata vyathaH || 6-41-61
bhraShTa shriika gata aishvarya mumuurSho naShTa cetanaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.61

61. saumya = O; gentle; kape = Angada!; laN^ghayitvaa = after passing; laNKaam purrim = the city of Lanka; tyaktvaa = abandoning; bhayam = fear; gata vyathaH = free from anxiety; gatvaa = and approaching; dashagriivam = Ravana; bhraSTa shriikam = the unfortunate demon; gataishvaryam = devoid of sovereignity; mumuurSanaSTa chetasam = who lost splendour because of his desire for death; bruuhi = tell (him); madvachanaat = as my words.

“Go my gentle Angada on my behalf and, passing thought the city of Lanka without fear and anxiety and Lanka without fear and anxiety and approaching Ravana – the unfortunate demon devoid of sovereignty and who has lost his splendour because of his inclination to die – admonish him in the following words:” .

ऋषीणाम् देवतानाम् च गन्धर्व अप्सरसाम् तथा || ६-४१-६२
नागानाम् अथ यक्षाणाम् राज्नाम् च रजनी चर |
यच् च पापम् कृतम् मोहाद् अवलिप्तेन राक्षस || ६-४१-६३
नूनम् अद्य गतो दर्पह् स्वयम्भू वर दानजः |
तस्य दण्ड धरस् ते अहम् दार आहरण कर्शितः || ६-४१-६४
R^iShiiNaam devataanaam ca gandharva apsarasaam tathaa || 6-41-62
naagaanaam atha yakShaaNaam raajnaam ca rajanii cara |
yac ca paapam kR^itam mohaad avaliptena raakShasa || 6-41-63
nuunam adya gato darpah svayambhuu vara daanajaH |
tasya daNDa dharas te aham daara aaharaNa karshitaH || 6-41-64

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.62 to 6.41.64

62; 63; 64. rajaniichara = O; Ravana the ranger of the night!; yat = which; paapam = sin; kR^itam = was performed; avaliptena = by you the arrogant; mohaat = and the ignorant one; R^iSiiNaam = to sages; devataanaam = to celestials; tathaa = an; gandharvaapsarasaam = to the celestial musicians and their wives; naagaaanaam = to the serpent- demons; atha = and; yakSaaNaam = to yakshas the semidivine beings; raajJNaamcha = and to the kings; tasya = that; paapasya = sin’s; duraasadaa = unparalleled; vyuSTiH = consequence; sampraaptaa = has come; adye = now; te = your; darpaH = arrogance; svayambhuuvaradaanajaH = born out of the boon granted to you by Brahma the god of creation; vigataH = has gone (will go).

“O, Ravana the Ranger of the Night! In your reckless arrogance, sages, celestials, celestial musicians and their wives, serpent – demons, yakshas the semi-divine beings and kings have been oppressed by you. From now on, that arrogance, born of the boon you received from Brahma the Lord of creation, shall be subdued.”.

तस्य दण्डधरस्तेऽहम् दाराहरणकर्शितः |
दण्डम् धारयमाणस् तु लन्का द्वरे व्यवस्थितः || ६-४१-६५
tasya daNDadharaste.aham daaraaharaNakarshitaH |
daNDam dhaarayamaaNas tu lankaa dvare vyavasthitaH || 6-41-65

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.65

65. aham = I; daaraaharaNa karshitaH = having been hurt because of taking away of my wife; daN^DadharaH = have become a punisher; te = to you; tasya = on that account; dhaarayamaaNaH = wielding; daN^Dam = as rod of chastisement; vyavasthitaH = I am stationed; laNkaa dvaare = at the gate of Lanka.

“I shall inflict a fitting penalty for your ruthless abduction of my consort. I am stationed myself at the gate of Lanka, with a Rod of chastisement.”.

पदवीम् देवतानाम् च महर्षीणाम् च राक्षस |
राजर्षीणाम् च सर्वेणाम् गमिष्यसि मया हतः || ६-४१-६६
padaviim devataanaam ca maharShiiNaam ca raakShasa |
raajarShiiNaam ca sarveNaam gamiShyasi mayaa hataH || 6-41-66

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.66

66. raakSasa = O; demon!; hataH = Slain; mayaa = by me; gamiSyasi = you will ontain; padaviim = the path (death); devataanaam cha = of the Gods; maharSiiNaam cha = great sages; sarveSaam = and all; raajarSiiNaam cha = the royal sages.

“O, demon! Slain by me, you will attain the region of Gods, of all the great sages and all the royal sages.”.

बलेन येन वै सीताम् मायया राक्षस अधम |
माम् अतिक्रामयित्वा त्वम् हृतवांस् तद् विदर्शय || ६-४१-६७
balena yena vai siitaam maayayaa raakShasa adhama |
maam atikraamayitvaa tvam hR^itavaa.ns tad vidarshaya || 6-41-67

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.67

67. raakSasaadhama = O; the worst demon!; nidarshaya = Demonstrate; tat = that; balena = courage; maayayaa = and magic; yena = by which; tvam = you; atikraamayitvaa = have distanced; siitaam = Seetha; maam = from me; hR^itavaan = and stolen (her).

“O, the worst demon! Demonstrate the same courage and magic that you did employ in bearing Seetha away from me.” .

अराक्षसम् इमम् लोकम् कर्ता अस्मि निशितैह् शरैः |
न चेत् शरणम् अभ्येषि माम् उपादाय मैथिलीम् || ६-४१-६८
araakShasam imam lokam kartaa asmi nishitaih sharaiH |
na cet sharaNam abhyeShi maam upaadaaya maithiliim || 6-41-68

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.68

68. na abhyeSi yadi = If you do not make an appeal; sharaNam = to my clemency; aadaaya = by returning; tat = that; maithiliim = Seetha; karmaasmi = I shall make; imam = this; lokam = world; araakSasam = devoid of demons.

“If you do not make an appeal to my clemency by returning Seetha, I shall make this world devoid of all demons.”.

धर्म आत्मा रक्षसाम् श्रेष्ठह् सम्प्राप्तो अयम् विभीषणः |
लन्का ऐश्वर्यम् ध्रुवम् श्रीमान् अयम् प्राप्नोत्य् अकण्टकम् || ६-४१-६९
dharma aatmaa rakShasaam shreShThah sampraapto ayam vibhiiShaNaH |
lankaa aishvaryam dhruvam shriimaan ayam praapnoty akaNTakam || 6-41-69

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.69

69. ayam vibhiiSaNaH = this Vibhishana; dharmaatmaa = the pious minded; raakSasa shreSThaH = and the foremost of demons; sampraaptaH = has come to me; dhruvam = Surely; shriimaan = this illustrious demon; praaproti = will obtain; idam = this; laN^kaishvaryam = kingdom of Lanka; akaN^Takam = free from troubles.

“This pious minded Vibhishana, the foremost of demons has come to me. Surely, this illustrious demon will obtain the kingdom of Lanka, which will henceforth be free from troubles.” .

न हि राज्यम् अधर्मेण भोक्तुम् क्षणम् अपि त्वया |
शक्यम् मूर्ख सहायेन पापेन अविजित आत्मना || ६-४१-७०
na hi raajyam adharmeNa bhoktum kShaNam api tvayaa |
shakyam muurkha sahaayena paapena avijita aatmanaa || 6-41-70

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.70

70. tvayaa = by you; muurkha sahaayena = having stupid followers; paapena = a sinful demon; aviditaatmanaa = without a knowledge of the self; na shakyam hi = can not indeed; bhoktum = enjoy; raajyam = the kingdom; kSaNampi = even for a moment; adharmeNa = by this unrightousness.

“You, without a knowledge of the self and a sinful demon having stupid followers around you, cannot indeed enjoy the kingdom even for a moment, by this unrighteousness.” .

युध्यस्व वा धृतिम् कृत्वा शौर्यम् आलम्ब्य राक्षस |
मत् शरैस् त्वम् रणे शान्तस् ततह् पूतो भविष्यसि || ६-४१-७१
yudhyasva vaa dhR^itim kR^itvaa shauryam aalambya raakShasa |
mat sharais tvam raNe shaantas tatah puuto bhaviShyasi || 6-41-71

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.71

71. raakSasa = O; demon!; vaa = otherwise; yudhyasva = get ready for a battle; kR^itvaa = by gathering; dhR^itim = courage; aalambya = and laying hold of; shauryam = your valour; shaantaH = having been slain; machharaiH = by my arrows; raNe = in combat; bhaviSyasi = you will be laid; shaantaH = in peace.

“O, demon! Otherwise, get ready for a battle, by gathering courage and laying hold of your valour. Having been slain by my arrows in combat, you will be laid in peace .

यद्याविशसि लोकांस् त्रीन् पक्षि भूतो मनो जवः |
मम चक्षुष् पथम् प्राप्य न जीवन् प्रतियास्यसि || ६-४१-७२
yadyaavishasi lokaa.ns triin pakShi bhuuto mano javaH |
mama cakShuSh patham praapya na jiivan pratiyaasyasi || 6-41-72

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.72

72. nishaachara = O; Ranger of the Night!; bhuutvaa = (Even if) you become; pakSii = a bird; aavishasi = and enter; triin = the three; lokaan = world’s; na pratiyaasyasi = you will not return; jiivan = alive; praapya = when you come into; mama = my; chakSuH patham = range of sight.

“O, Ranger of the Night! Even if you range the three worlds in the forms of a bird, you will not return alive, when you come into my range of sight.”.

ब्रवीमि त्वाम् हितम् वाक्यम् क्रियताम् और्ध्वदेकिकम् |
सुदृष्टा क्रियताम् लन्का जीवितम् ते मयि स्थितम् || ६-४१-७३
braviimi tvaam hitam vaakyam kriyataam aurdhvadekikam |
sudR^iShTaa kriyataam lankaa jiivitam te mayi sthitam || 6-41-73

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.73

73. braviim = I am telling; vaakyam = the words; hitam = beneficial; tvaam = to you; kriyataam = be obliged; surd^iSTaa = to be seen well (by you); (as) te jiivitam = your survival; sthitam = is dependent; mayi = on me.

“I give you this salutary counsel prepare for your obsequies. Let Lanka be obliged to be seen well by you (like your last sight), as your survival is in my hands.”.

इत्य् उक्तह् स तु तारेयो रामेण अक्लिष्ट कर्मणा |
जगाम आकाशम् आविश्य मूर्तिमान् इव हव्य वाट् || ६-४१-७४
ity uktah sa tu taareyo raameNa akliShTa karmaNaa |
jagaama aakaasham aavishya muurtimaan iva havya vaaT || 6-41-74

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.74

74. uktaH = spoken; iti = thus; raameNa = by Rama; akliSTa karmaNaa = who was unwearied inaction; taareyaH = Angada the son of Tara; aavishya = entered; aakaasham- the air; havyavaaTiva = like a god of fire; muurtimaan = personified; jagaama = and proceeded ahead.

Hearing the words of Rama, who was unwearied in action, Angada the son of Tara, leapt into air like a god of fire personified and marched ahead.

सो अतिपत्य मुहूर्तेन श्रीमान् रावण मन्दिरम् |
ददर्श आसीनम् अव्यग्रम् रावणम् सचिवैह् सह || ६-४१-७५
so atipatya muhuurtena shriimaan raavaNa mandiram |
dadarsha aasiinam avyagram raavaNam sacivaih saha || 6-41-75

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.75

75. atipatya = reaching; raavaNa mandiram = Ravana’s palace; muhuurtena = within a moment; shriimaan = the illustrious; saH = Angada; dadarsha = saw; raavaNam = Ravana; aasiinam = seated; avyagram = coolly; sachivaiH saha = along with his ministers.

Reaching Ravana’s palace in an instant, the illustrious Angada saw Ravana, seated coolly along with his ministers .

ततस् तस्य अविदूरेण निपत्य हरि पुम्गवः |
दीप्त अग्नि सदृशस् तस्थाव् अन्गदह् कनक अन्गदः || ६-४१-७६
tatas tasya aviduureNa nipatya hari pumgavaH |
diipta agni sadR^ishas tasthaav angadah kanaka angadaH || 6-41-76

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.76

76. tataH = thereafter; aN^gadaH = Angada; haripuNgavaH = the foremost of the monkeys; kanakaaN^gadaH = wearing golden bracelets; nipatya = descended; aduureNa = close; tasya = to the king; tasthau = and stood; diipaagni; sadR^ishaH = like a flaming torch.

Angada, the foremost of the monkeys, wearing golden bracelets, descended close to the king and stood there like a flaming torch .

तद् राम वचनम् सर्वम् अन्यून अधिकम् उत्तमम् |
सामात्यम् श्रावयाम् आस निवेद्य आत्मानम् आत्मना || ६-४१-७७
tad raama vacanam sarvam anyuuna adhikam uttamam |
saamaatyam shraavayaam aasa nivedya aatmaanam aatmanaa || 6-41-77

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.77

77. nivedya aatmaanam aatmanaa = haing made himself known; (Angada); shravayaamaasaa = caused to be communicated; tat = that; sarvam = whole; uttamam = of excellent; raama vachanam = speech of Rama; anyuunaadhikam = without adding or subtracting anything; saamaatyam = to Ravana in the presence of his ministers (a follows):

Having made himself known, Angada communicated, that whole of the excellent speech of Rama without adding or subtracting anything to Ravana in the presence of Ravana’s ministers, saying:.

दूतो अहम् कोसल इन्द्रस्य रामस्य अक्लिष्ट कर्मणः |
वालि पुत्रो अन्गदो नाम यदि ते श्रोत्रम् आगतः || ६-४१-७८
duuto aham kosala indrasya raamasya akliShTa karmaNaH |
vaali putro angado naama yadi te shrotram aagataH || 6-41-78

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.78

78. aham = I; vaaliputraH = am the son of Vali; aNgado naama = called Angada; duutaH = the messenger; koshalendrasya = of the king of Koshala; raamasya = Rama; akliSTa karmaNaH = of imperishable = exploits; aagataH yadi = (has my name) ever reached; te = your; shrotram = ear?

“I am the son of Vali, Angada by name. I have come as a messenger for the king of Koshala, Rama of imperishable exploits. Has my name ever reached your ears?” .

आह त्वाम् राघवो रामह् कौसल्य आनन्द वर्धनः |
निष्पत्य प्रतियुध्यस्व नृशंसम् पुरुष अधम || ६-४१-७९
aaha tvaam raaghavo raamah kausalya aananda vardhanaH |
niShpatya pratiyudhyasva nR^isha.nsam puruSha adhama || 6-41-79

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.79

79. raamaH = Rama; Kausalya nandaardhanaH = who augments the joy of Kausalya; raaghavaH = and the one born in Raghu dynasty; aha = speaks (thus); tvaam = to you; nR^ishamsa = O; ruthless demon!; niSpatya = come forth; yudhyasva = and enter into combat; bhava = prove; puruSaH = to be the representative of your race.

“Rama who is born in Raghu dynasty and who augements the joy of Kausalya speaks thus to you, �O, ruthless demon! Come forth and enter into combat. Prove to be the representative of your race!’ “.

हन्ता अस्मि त्वाम् सह अमात्यम् सपुत्र ज्नाति बान्धवम् |
निरुद्विग्नास् त्रयो लोका भविष्यन्ति हते त्वयि || ६-४१-८०
hantaa asmi tvaam saha amaatyam saputra jnaati baandhavam |
nirudvignaas trayo lokaa bhaviShyanti hate tvayi || 6-41-80

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.80

80. hantaasmi = I shall kill tvaam = you; sahaamaatyam = along with your ministers; saputra jJNaati baandhavaH = sons; cousins and relatives; tvam = you; hate = being dead; trayaH = the three; lokaah = worlds; bhaviSyanti = will be; nirudvignaaH = rid of fear.

” �I shall kill you along with your ministers, sons, cousins and other relatives. You being dead, all the three worlds will be rid of fear.'”.

देव दानव यक्षाणाम् गन्धर्व उरग रक्षसाम् |
शत्रुम् अद्य उद्धरिष्यामि त्वाम् ऋषीणाम् च कण्टकम् || ६-४१-८१
deva daanava yakShaaNaam gandharva uraga rakShasaam |
shatrum adya uddhariShyaami tvaam R^iShiiNaam ca kaNTakam || 6-41-81

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.81

81. adya = now; uddhariSyaami = I shall uproot out; tvam = you; kaN^Takamcha = who are a thorn; R^iSiiNaam = to sages; shatrum = and enemy; deva daanava yakSaaNaam = to celestials; demons; semi-divine beings; gandharvoraga rakSasaam = celestial musicians; serpent-gods and ogres.

” �Now, I shall uproot you, a thorn to sages and an enemy to celestials, demons, semi-divine beings, celestial musicians, serpent-gods and ogres’.” .

विभीषणस्य च ऐश्वर्यम् भविष्यति हते त्वयि |
न चेत् सत्कृत्य वैदेहीम् प्रणिपत्य प्रदास्यसि || ६-४१-८२
vibhiiShaNasya ca aishvaryam bhaviShyati hate tvayi |
na cet satkR^itya vaidehiim praNipatya pradaasyasi || 6-41-82

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.82

82. na pradaasyasi chet = If you do not restore; vaidehiim = Seetha; satkR^itya = honourably; praNipatya = by bowing respectfully before me; tvayi = you; hate = ae slain; aishvaryam = and the kingdom; bhaviSyati = will belong; vibhiiSaNasya = to Vibhishana.

“If you do not restore Seetha honourably, by bowing respectfully before me, you are slain and Vibhishana will become the king.'”.

इत्य् एवम् परुषम् वाक्यम् ब्रुवाणे हरि पुम्गवे |
अमर्ष वशम् आपन्नो निशा चर गण ईश्वरः || ६-४१-८३
ity evam paruSham vaakyam bruvaaNe hari pumgave |
amarSha vasham aapanno nishaa cara gaNa iishvaraH || 6-41-83

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.83

83. hari puN^gave = (While) the lion among monkeys; Angada; bruvaaNe = was speaking; ityevam = thus; paruSam = in harsh; vaakyam = words; nishaacharagaNeshvaraH = Ravana the Lord of the demon-tribe; aapannaH = prevailed; amarSa vasham = on the influence of anger.

Hearing these harsh words from Angada the lion among the monkeys, Ravana the Lord of the demon-tribe was infuriated .

ततः स रोष ताम्र अक्षह् शशास सचिवांस् तदा |
गृह्यताम् एष दुर्मेधा वध्यताम् इति च असकृत् || ६-४१-८४
tataH sa roSha taamra akShah shashaasa sacivaa.ns tadaa |
gR^ihyataam eSha durmedhaa vadhyataam iti ca asakR^it || 6-41-84

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.84

84. tataH = thereafter; saH = Ravana; aapannaH = who obtained; roSam = wrath; tadaa = then; asakR^it = respeatedly; shasaasa = commanded; sachivaan = his attendants; iti = thus; durmedhaaH = (Let) this stupid monkey; gR^ihyataam = be seized; vadhyataam = and killed.

Then, the enraged Ravana repeatedly commanded his attendants, saying: “Let this stupid monkey be seized and put to death.”.

रावणस्य वचह् श्रुत्वा दीप्त अग्नि सम तेजसः |
जगृहुस् तम् ततो घोराश् चत्वारो रजनी चराः || ६-४१-८५
raavaNasya vacah shrutvaa diipta agni sama tejasaH |
jagR^ihus tam tato ghoraash catvaaro rajanii caraaH || 6-41-85

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.85

85. tataH = then; shrutvaa = hearing; raavaNasya = Ravana’s vachaH = words; chatvaaraH = four; ghoraaH = terrible; rajaniicharaah = demons; jagR^ihuH = seized; tam = Angada; tejasaa = who; in his splendour; diiptaagnimiva = resembled a blazing torch.

Hearing Ravana’s words, four terrible demons seized Angada who, in his splendour, resembled a blazing torch .

ग्राहयाम् आस तारेयह् स्वयम् आत्मानम् आत्मना |
बलम् दर्शयितुम् वीरो यातु धान गणे तदा || ६-४१-८६
graahayaam aasa taareyah svayam aatmaanam aatmanaa |
balam darshayitum viiro yaatu dhaana gaNe tadaa || 6-41-86

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.86

86. tadaa = then; taareyaH = Angada the son of Tara; aatmavaan = the prudent; viiraH = and the heroic monkey; svayam = voluntarily; graahayaamaasa aatmaanaam = allowed himself to be seized; darshayitum = to display; balam = his prowess; yaatudhaanagaNe = before the host of demons.

Then, the prudent and heroic Angada the son of Tara voluntarily allowed himself to be seized, in order to display his prowess before the host of demons .

स तान् बाहु द्वये सक्तान् आदाय पतगान् इव |
प्रासादम् शैल सम्काशम् उत्पापात अन्गदस् तदा || ६-४१-८७
sa taan baahu dvaye saktaan aadaaya patagaan iva |
praasaadam shaila samkaasham utpaapaata angadas tadaa || 6-41-87

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.87

87. tadaa = then; aadaaya = seizing; patagaaniva = like unto birds; taan = those attendants; baahudvayaa = saktaan = entangled in both of his arms; utpapaata = he leapt on; praasaadam = to the palace; shaila sankaasham = that resembled like a mountain.

Then, seizing like unto birds those attendants clung to his arms, Angada leapt on to the palace that resembled like a mountain.

तेस्योत्पतनवेगेन निर्धूतास्तत्र राक्षसाः |
भुमौ निपतिताह् सर्वे राक्षस इन्द्रस्य पश्यतः || ६-४१-८८
tesyotpatanavegena nirdhuutaastatra raakShasaaH |
bhumau nipatitaah sarve raakShasa indrasya pashyataH || 6-41-88

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.88

88. sarve = all those four; raakSasaaH = demons; nirdhuutaaH = were shaken out; tasya = by Angada’s utpatana vegena = impetuous leap; nipatitaaH = and they fell; bhuumau = on the ground; tatra = there; pashyataH = under the eyes; raakSasendrasya = of the king of demons.

All those four demons were shaken out by Angada’s impetuous leap and fell on the ground there under the eyes of their king .

ततः प्रासाद शिखरम् शैल शृन्गम् इव उन्नतम् |
तत् पफाल तदा आक्रान्तम् दशग्रीवस्य पश्यतः || ६-४१-८९
tataH praasaada shikharam shaila shR^ingam iva unnatam |
tat paphaala tadaa aakraantam dashagriivasya pashyataH || 6-41-89

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.89

89. tataH = thereafter; prataapavaan = the glorious; vaali putraH = Angada the son of Vali; chakraama = ascended; praasaada shikharam = the roof of the palace; raakSasendrsya = of Ravana; shailashR^igamiva = which equaled the summit of a mountain; unnatam = in height.

Thereafter, the glorious Angada the son of Vali ascended the roof of Ravana’s palace, which equaled the summit of a mountain in height.

पफाल च तदाक्रान्तं दशग्रीवस्य पश्यतः |
पुरा हिमवतः शृङ्गं वज्रेणेव विदारितम् ६-४१-९०
paphaala cha tadaakraantaM dashagriivasya pashyataH |
puraa himavataH shR^iN^gaM vajreNeva vidaaritam 6-41-90

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.90

90. tadaakraantam = that roof of the palace; trampled by Angada; paphaalacha = crumbled; himaataH shR^iN^gamiva = as a peak of Himalayan range; vidaaritam = was shattered; puraa = long ago; vajreNa = by lightening; dashagriivasya = before Ravana’s pashyatah = gaze.

That roof of the palace, trampled by Angada, crumbled – as a peak of Himalayan range was shattered long ago by lightening – before Ravana’s gaze.

भन्क्त्वा प्रासाद शिखरम् नाम विश्राव्य च आत्मनः |
विनद्य सुमहा नादम् उत्पपात विहायसा || ६-४१-९१
bhanktvaa praasaada shikharam naama vishraavya ca aatmanaH |
vinadya sumahaa naadam utpapaata vihaayasaa || 6-41-91

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.91

91. bhaNKtvaa = after destroying; prasaada shikharam = the roof of the palace; naama vishraavyacha aatmanaH = proclaiming his name; vinadya = roaring; sumahaa naadam = with a very great noise; utpapaata = rose; vihaayasaa = into the air.

After destroying the roof of the palace, Angada proclaimed his name and with a triumphant roar, rose into the air.

व्यथयन् राक्षसान् सर्वान् हर्षयंश्चापि वानरान् |
स वानराणां मध्ये तु रामपार्श्वमुपागतः ६-४१-९२
vyathayan raakShasaan sarvaan harShaya.nshchaapi vaanaraan |
sa vaanaraaNaaM madhye tu raamapaarshvamupaagataH 6-41-92

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.92

92. vyathayan = causing restlessness; sarvaan = to all; raakSasaan = the demons; harSayam shchaapi = but delight; vaanaraaNaam = to the monkeys; (Angada); upaagataH = approached; raama paarshvam = close to Rama; madhye = in the middle; vaanaraaNaam = of the monkeys.

Causing restlessness to all the demons but delight to the monkeys, Angada approached close to Rama, who was stationed in the middle of the monkey-forces .

रावणस् तु परम् चक्रे क्रोधम् प्रासाद धर्षणात् |
विनाशम् च आत्मनह् पश्यन् निह्श्वास परमो अभवत् || ६-४१-९३
raavaNas tu param cakre krodham praasaada dharShaNaat |
vinaasham ca aatmanah pashyan nihshvaasa paramo abhavat || 6-41-93

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.93

93. praasaada dharSaNaat = because of the destruction of the palace; raavaNastu = Ravana on his part; chakre = got; param = extreme; krodham = anger; pashyan = foreseeing; aatmaanaH = his own; vinaasham = destruction; abhavat = he became; niH shvaasa paramaH = a desponded demon.

Because of the destruction of his palace, Ravana on his part got extremely angry. Foreseeing his own destruction, he became a desponded demon.

रामस् तु बहुभिर् हृष्टैर् निनदद्भिह् प्लवम् गमैः |
वृतो रिपु वध आकान्क्षी युद्धाय एव अभ्यवर्तत || ६-४१-९४
raamas tu bahubhir hR^iShTair ninadadbhih plavam gamaiH |
vR^ito ripu vadha aakaankShii yuddhaaya eva abhyavartata || 6-41-94

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.94

94. vR^itaH = surrounded; bahubhiH plavaNgamaiH = by many monkeys; vinadadbhiH = roaring; hR^iSTaiH = with delight; raamastu = Rama on his part; abhivartata = was proceeding ahead; yuddhaayaiva = for the battle already; ripuvadhaa kaaN^kSii = with an intent to wipe out the enemy.

Surrounded by many monkeys, roaring with delight, Rama on his part was proceeding ahead already for the battle, with an intent to wipe out the enemy .

सुषेणस् तु महा वीर्यो गिरि कूट उपमो हरिः |
बहुभिह् सम्वृतस् तत्र वानरैह् काम रूपिभिः || ६-४१-९५
suSheNas tu mahaa viiryo giri kuuTa upamo hariH |
bahubhih samvR^itas tatra vaanaraih kaama ruupibhiH || 6-41-95

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.95

95. suSeNastu = now Sushena; mahaaviiryaH = the most valiant; hariH = girikuuTopamaH = was like the head of the mountain; tatra = there; bahubhiH = samvR^itaH = surrounded by; innumerable; vaanaraiH = monkeys; kaamaruupibhiH = who were able to change their form at will.

Now, Sushena the highly valiant monkey, was stationed there like the head of the mountain surrounded by innumerable monkeys, who were bale to change their form at will .

स तु द्वाराणि सर्वाणि सुग्रीव वचनात् कपिः |
पर्याक्रमत दुर्धर्षो नक्षत्राणि इव चन्द्रमाः || ६-४१-९६
sa tu dvaaraaNi sarvaaNi sugriiva vacanaat kapiH |
paryaakramata durdharSho nakShatraaNi iva candramaaH || 6-41-96

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.96

96. Sugreeva vachanaat = under the order of Sugreeva; saH kapiH = that monkey; durdharSaH = the invincible; samyamya = was patrolling; dvaaraaNi = the gates; paryakraamata = and wandering; nakSatraaNiva = like among stars; chandramaaH = the moon.

Under the order of Sugreeva, the invincible monkey, Sushena was patrolling the gates and wandering like a moon among the stars.

तेषाम् अक्षौहिणि शतम् समवेक्ष्य वन ओकसाम् |
लन्काम् उपनिविष्टानाम् सागरम् च अतिवर्तताम् || ६-४१-९७
राक्षसा विस्मयम् जग्मुस् त्रासम् जग्मुस् तथा अपरे |
अपरे समर उद्धर्षाद्द् हर्षम् एव उपपेदिरे || ६-४१-९८
teShaam akShauhiNi shatam samavekShya vana okasaam |
lankaam upaniviShTaanaam saagaram ca ativartataam || 6-41-97
raakShasaa vismayam jagmus traasam jagmus tathaa apare |
apare samara uddharShaadd harSham eva upapedire || 6-41-98

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.97,6.41.98

97; 98. samavekSya = seeing; akSauhiNi shatam = hundreds of divisions; teSaam = of those; vanaukasaam = monkeys; abhivartataam = encamped; laN^kaam upaniviSTaanaam = under the walls of Lanksa; saagaram cha = (marshaled on the shores) of the sea; raakSasaaH = the demons; jagmuH = got; vismayam = amazed; tathaa = and; apare = some others; jagmuH = got; tathaa = and; apare = some others; jagmuH = got; taasam = terror-struck; apare = (while) others; traasam = terror-struck; apare = (While) others; harSaat = overjoyed; samara = at the prospect of fighting; upapedire = leapt; harSameva = even in exultation.

Seeing hundreds of divisions of those monkeys encamped under the walls of Lanka, marshaled on the shores of the sea, the demons were amazed and some others were terror-struck while others, overjoyed at the prospect of fighting, leapt even in exultation .

कृत्स्नम् हि कपिभिर् व्याप्तम् प्राकार परिख अन्तरम् |
ददृशू राक्षसा दीनाह् प्राकारम् वानरी कृतम् || ६-४१-९९
हाहाकारमकुर्वन्त राक्षसा भयमागताः |
kR^itsnam hi kapibhir vyaaptam praakaara parikha antaram |
dadR^ishuu raakShasaa diinaah praakaaram vaanarii kR^itam || 6-41-99
haahaakaaramakurvanta raakShasaa bhayamaagataaH |

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.99

99. diinaH = the miserable; rakSasaaH = demons; dadR^ishuH = saw; kR^itsnam = the entire; vyaaptam = extensive; praakaara parikhaantaram = space between the walls and the moat; vaanariikR^itam = being occupied by the monkeys; praakaaram = like under unto a second rampart; raakSasaaH = the demons; aagataH = got; bhayam = a panic; akurvanta = and cried out; haahaakaaram = “woe! Alas!”

Those miserable demons saw the entire extensive space between the walls and the moat being occupied by the monkeys, like unto a second rampart. The demons cried out, “Woe! Alas!” in panic .

तस्मिन् महा भीषणके प्रवृत्ते |
कोलाहले राक्षस राजधान्याम् |
प्रगृह्य रक्षांसि महा आयुधानि |
युग अन्त वाता;इव सम्विचेरुह् || ६-४१-१००
tasmin mahaa bhiiShaNake pravR^itte |
kolaahale raakShasa raajadhaanyaam |
pragR^ihya rakShaa.nsi mahaa aayudhaani |
yuga anta vaataa;iva samviceruh || 6-41-100

Show Description: Sloka 6.41.100

100. pravR^itte = as a result; tasmin = of that; mahaa bhiiSaNake = appalling; kolaahale = tumult; raakSasa raajadhaanyaam = in the capital city of demons; rakSaamsi = the demons; pragR^ihya = seized hold of; mahaayudhaani = their great weapons; samvicheruH = and sallied forth; yugaantaa raataaH iva = like the winds that blow at the dissolution of the worlds.

As a result of that appalling tumult in the capital city of the demons, the soldiers of Ravana seized hold of their great weapons and sallied forth like the winds that blow at the dissolution of the worlds.

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