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Srimad Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa | Ayodhya Kāṇḍa ~ Sarga 76 of 119

Ayodhya Kāṇḍa : book of Ayodhya || Total Sargas (or) Chapters: 119

Abstract: The preparations for Rama’s coronation in the city of Ayodhya, his exile into the forest, and the regency of Bharata.

Sarga (chapter): 76 of 119 || śloka (verses): 23

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Vālmīki (Sanskrit: वाल्मीकि)

Vālmīki (Sanskrit: वाल्मीकि)


Vasistha advises Bharata to stop lamenting and to perform the last rites of the king. Bharata then places the body of Dasaratha on a couch, taking it out from the vessel where it had been immersed in oil and proceeds with the funeral rites. The appointed priests, attendants, people of the city and the weeping royal women followed the funeral pile of the king to the banks of Sarayu River where the body was cremated. Bharata along with others return to the city after the completion of the cremation-ceremony.

तम् एवम् शोक सम्तप्तम् भरतम् केकयी सुतम् |
उवाच वदताम् श्रेष्ठो वसिष्ठः श्रेष्ठ वाग् ऋषिः || २-७६-१
tam evam shoka samtaptam bharatam kekayii sutam |
uvaaca vadataam shreShTho vasiShThaH shreShTha vaag R^iShiH || 2-76-1

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.1

1. vasishhThaH R^ishhiH = the sage Vasishta; shreshhThaH = the excellent; vadataam = among the speakers; shreshhThavaak = having eloquence; uvaacha = spoke; tam bharatam = to that Bharata; Kaikeyi sutam = the son of Kaikeyi; evam = who was thus; shokatamtaptam = tormented with grief.

The sage Vasishta, the excellent one among the speakers having eloquence, spoke to that Bharata, Kaikeyi’s son who was thus tormented with grief. .

अलम् शोकेन भद्रम् ते राज पुत्र महा यशः |
प्राप्त कालम् नर पतेः कुरु सम्यानम् उत्तरम् || २-७६-२
alam shokena bhadram te raaja putra mahaa yashaH |
praapta kaalam nara pateH kuru samyaanam uttaram || 2-76-2

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.2

2. raajaputra = O; the prince; mahaayashaH = the greatly illustrious one! bhadram = blessing; te = to you! aalam = enough; shokena = of your sorrow; kuru = perform; uttamam = in an excellent; samyaanam = way; praaptakaalam = the last rites; narapateH = of the king.

“O, the greatly illustrious prince! My blessing to you. You have lamented long enough. Perform in an excellent way, the last rites of the king.” .

वसिष्ठस्य वचः श्रुत्वा भरतः धारणाम् गतः |
प्रेत कार्याणि सर्वाणि कारयाम् आस धर्मवित् || २-७६-३
vasiShThasya vacaH shrutvaa bharataH dhaaraNaam gataH |
preta kaaryaaNi sarvaaNi kaarayaam aasa dharmavit || 2-76-3

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.3

3. shrutvaa = hearing; vachaH = the words; vasishhThasya = of Vasishta; bharataH = Bharata; dharmavit = conversant with his duty; gataH = fell; dharaNiim = prostate; kaarayaamaasa = and proceeded; sarvaaNi = with all; pretakaaryaaNi = the arrangements for obsequies.

Hearing the words of Vasishta, Bharata conversant with his duty fell prostate and proceeded with all the arrangements for the obsequies. .

उद्धृतम् तैल सम्क्लेदात् स तु भूमौ निवेशितम् |
आपीत वर्ण वदनम् प्रसुप्तम् इव भूमिपम् || २-७६-४
सम्वेश्य शयने च अग्र्ये नाना रत्न परिष्कृते |
ततः दशरथम् पुत्रः विललाप सुदुह्खितः || २-७६-५
uddhR^itam taila samkledaat sa tu bhuumau niveshitam |
aapiita varNa vadanam prasuptam iva bhuumipam || 2-76-4
samveshya shayane ca agrye naanaa ratna pariShkR^ite |
tataH dasharatham putraH vilalaapa suduhkhitaH || 2-76-5

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.4,2.76.5

4; 5. uddharitam = raising; bhuumipam = the body of the king; dasharatham = Dasaratha; bhuumou = from the place; taila samrodhaat niveshitam = where it had been immersed in oil; prasuptam iva = seeming as it were asleep; aapiita vadanam = with face in the color of gold; saH putraH = that son; (Bharata);samveshya = placed it; agrye = in a magnificent; shayane = couch; naanaaratnaparishhkR^ite = adorned with energy kind of precious stone; tatah = and thereafter; suduHkhitaH = in a great grief; vilalaapa = lamented (as follows):

Raising the body of king Dasaratha, from the vessel where it had been immersed in oil, seeming as it were asleep with face in the color of gold, that son Bharata placed it in a magnificent couch, adorned with every kind of precious stone and in a great grief, lamented.(as follows): .

किम् ते व्यवसितम् राजन् प्रोषिते मय्य् अनागते |
विवास्य रामम् धर्मज्ञम् लक्ष्मणम् च महा बलम् || २-७६-६
kim te vyavasitam raajan proShite mayy anaagate |
vivaasya raamam dharmaGYam lakShmaNam ca mahaa balam || 2-76-6

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.6

6. raajan = O; king! Kim = what; vyavasitam = was intended; te = by you; mayi = while I; proshhite = who was absent from home; anaagate = did not arrive; vivaasya = having sent into exile; dharmajN^am = the virtuous; raamam = Rama; lakshhmaNamcha = and Lakshmana; mahaabalam = possessed of great strength?

“O, king! Having sent into exile the virtuous Rama and Lakshmana who is possessed of great strength, while I was away from home and had not yet returned, what did you intend to do?” .

क्व यास्यसि महा राज हित्वा इमम् दुह्खितम् जनम् |
हीनम् पुरुष सिम्हेन रामेण अक्लिष्ट कर्मणा || २-७६-७
kva yaasyasi mahaa raaja hitvaa imam duhkhitam janam |
hiinam puruSha simhena raameNa akliShTa karmaNaa || 2-76-7

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.7

7. kva = where; yaasyasi = will you go; hitvaa = leaving; imam janam = this person; duHkhitam = who is distressed; hiinam = and bereft; raameNa = of Rama; aklishhTa karmaNaa = who is unwearied in action; purushhasimhena = and excellent among men?

“Where will you go, leaving this person (me) who was distressed and bereft of Rama the unwearied one in action and the excellent one among men?” .

योग क्षेमम् तु ते राजन् को अस्मिन् कल्पयिता पुरे |
त्वयि प्रयाते स्वः तात रामे च वनम् आश्रिते || २-७६-८
yoga kShemam tu te raajan ko asmin kalpayitaa pure |
tvayi prayaate svaH taata raame ca vanam aashrite || 2-76-8

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.8

8. taata = O; father! Raajan = O; king! KaH = who; kalpayitaa = is supposed to see; yogakshhemam = the welfare and security; te = of your; asmin = this; pure = city of Ayodhya; tvayi = while you; prayaate = have gone;svaH = to heaven; raamecha = and Rama; aashrite = taking; refuge; vanam = in a forest?

“O, king! O, father! Who is supposed to see the welfare and security of your city of Ayodhya, while you have departed for heaven and while Rama has gone, taking refuge in a forest?” .

विधवा पृथिवी राजंस् त्वया हीना न राजते |
हीन चन्द्रा इव रजनी नगरी प्रतिभाति माम् || २-७६-९
vidhavaa pR^ithivii raaja.ns tvayaa hiinaa na raajate |
hiina candraa iva rajanii nagarii pratibhaati maam || 2-76-9

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.9

9. raajan = O; king; hiinaa = bereft; tvayaa = of you; pR^ithivii = this earth;; vidhavaa = and deprived of its lord; na raajate = does not look charming ;maa = to me; nagarii = this city; pratibhaati = is looking; rajaniiva = like a night; hinachandraa = with out a moon.

“O, king! Bereft of you and deprived of its lord, this earth does not look charming. To me, this city is looking like a night without a moon.” .

एवम् विलपमानम् तम् भरतम् दीन मानसम् |
अब्रवीद् वचनम् भूयो वसिष्ठः तु महान् ऋषिः || २-७६-१०
evam vilapamaanam tam bharatam diina maanasam |
abraviid vacanam bhuuyo vasiShThaH tu mahaan R^iShiH || 2-76-10

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.10

10. mahaamuniH = the great sage; vasishhThaH = Vasishta; bhuuyaH = again; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = these words; tam bharatam = to that bharata; diinamaanasam = who was distressed in mind; evam = thus; vilapamaanam = lamenting.

The great sage Vasishta again spoke the following words to that Bharata who was distressed in mind and thus lamenting. .

प्रेत कार्याणि यानि अस्य कर्तव्यानि विशाम्पतेः |
तानि अव्यग्रम् महा बाहो क्रियताम् अविचारितम् || २-७६-११
preta kaaryaaNi yaani asya kartavyaani vishaampateH |
taani avyagram mahaa baaho kriyataam avicaaritam || 2-76-11

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.11

11. mahaabaaho = O; mighty armed! Avyagram = without hesitation; avichaaritam = or repining; kriyantaam = carry out ; taami = those; pretakaaryaaNi = funeral rites; asya vishaampate = to this king; yaani = which; kartavyaani = should be done.

“O, mighty armed Bharata! Without hesitation or repining, carry out the funeral rites of the king that should be done.” .

तथा इति भरतः वाक्यम् वसिष्ठस्य अभिपूज्य तत् |
ऋत्विक् पुरोहित आचार्यांस् त्वरयाम् आस सर्वशः || २-७६-१२
tathaa iti bharataH vaakyam vasiShThasya abhipuujya tat |
R^itvik purohita aacaaryaa.ns tvarayaam aasa sarvashaH || 2-76-12

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.12

12. tatheti = Be it so; bharataH = Bharata answered; abhipuujya = and obedient; tat vasishhTasya = to that Vasishta’s; vaakyam = command; tvarayaamaasa = he summoned speedily; R^itvik purohitaachaaryaan = the appointed priests; knowing the rules of the funeral rites.

“Be it so” answered Bharata and obedient to Vasishta’s command, he summoned speedily the appointed priests who were knowing the rules of the funeral rites.” .

ये तु अग्रतः नर इन्द्रस्याग्नि अगारात् बहिष् कृताः |
ऋत्विग्भिर् याजकैः चैव ते ह्रियन्ते यथा विधि || २-७६-१३
ye tu agrataH nara indrasyaagni agaaraat bahiSh kR^itaaH |
R^itvigbhir yaajakaiH caiva te hriyante yathaa vidhi || 2-76-13

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.13

13. ye = which; agnayaH = fires; narendrasya = of that king; bahishhkrutaaH = were prepared outside; agnayagaaraat = the fire chamber; te = those fires; ahriyanta = were kindled; R^itvigbhiH = by the appointed priests; yaajakaashchaiva = and sacrificial attendants; yathaavidhi = in accordance with the rituals.

The fires of that king were prepared outside the chamber and kindled in accordance with the rituals by the priests and the sacrificial attendants. .

शिबिलायाम् अथ आरोप्य राजानम् गत चेतनम् |
बाष्प कण्ठा विमनसः तम् ऊहुः परिचारकाः || २-७६-१४
shibilaayaam atha aaropya raajaanam gata cetanam |
baaShpa kaNThaa vimanasaH tam uuhuH paricaarakaaH || 2-76-14

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.14

14. atha = thereafter; parichaarakaaH = the attendants; baashhpakaNThaaH = with tears in their throats; vimanasaH = and dejected in mind; aaropya = made to mount; gatachetasam = the dead; raajaanam = king; shibikaayaam = on a small palanquin; uuhuH = and carried; tam = it(away).

The attendants were choked with tears in their throats and disconsolate in their mind, made the dead king to mount on a small palanquin and carried it away. .

हिरण्यम् च सुवर्णम् च वासांसि विविधानि च |
प्रकिरन्तः जना मार्गम् नृपतेर् अग्रतः ययुः || २-७६-१५
hiraNyam ca suvarNam ca vaasaa.nsi vividhaani ca |
prakirantaH janaa maargam nR^ipater agrataH yayuH || 2-76-15

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.15

15. janaH = the people; yayuH = went along; maargam = the path; prakirantaH = scattering; hiraNyam = silver; suvarNamcha = gold; vividhaani = and many kinds; vaasaamsicha = of clothes; agrataH = in front; nR^ipate = of the king.

The people went along the path, scattering silver, gold and various kinds of clothes in front of the king. .

चन्दन अगुरु निर्यासान् सरलम् पद्मकम् तथा |
देव दारूणि च आहृत्य चिताम् चक्रुस् तथा अपरे || २-७६-१६
गन्धान् उच्च अवचामः च अन्यांस् तत्र दत्त्वा अथ भूमिपम् |
ततः सम्वेशयाम् आसुः चिता मध्ये तम् ऋत्विजः || २-७६-१७
candana aguru niryaasaan saralam padmakam tathaa |
deva daaruuNi ca aahR^itya citaam cakrus tathaa apare || 2-76-16
gandhaan ucca avacaamH ca anyaa.ns tatra dattvaa atha bhuumipam |
tataH samveshayaam aasuH citaa madhye tam R^itvijaH || 2-76-17

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.16,2.76.17

16. tathaa = in the same manner; apare = some others; aahR^itya = brought; chandanaaguru niryaasaan = sandalwood; sweet aloes; different fragrant essences; saraLam = with heaps of Sarala.Padmaka; devadaaruuNicha = devadaaru wood; anyaan = and other; uchchavaachaan = many kinds; gandhaan = of fragrant substances; gatvaa = went; tatra = there; kshhepayanti = and threw them; atha = thereafter; R^itvijaH = the appointed priests; samveshayaamaasuH = caused to lie down; bhuumipam = the king; tatra = there; chitaamadhye = in the midst of the funeral pile.

In the same manner, some others brought sandal wood, sweet aloes, different fragrant essences, with leaps of Sarala Padmaka and Devadaru woods and many other kinds of fragrant substances, went there and threw them into the funeral pile. Thereafter the appointed priests caused the king’s body to lie down there in the midst of the funeral pyre. .

तथा हुत अशनम् हुत्वा जेपुस् तस्य तदा ऋत्विजः |
जगुः च ते यथा शास्त्रम् तत्र सामानि सामगाः || २-७६-१८
tathaa huta ashanam hutvaa jepus tasya tadaa R^itvijaH |
jaguH ca te yathaa shaastram tatra saamaani saamagaaH || 2-76-18

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.18

18. tadaa = then; tadR^itvijaH = those appointed priests; tasya = engaged for the bereft of the king; hutvaa = poured oblations; hutaashanam = into the fire; jepuH = and recited sacred texts;(relevant to the funeral rites); te saamagaaH = those among the priests who could recite the hymns of Samaveda; jagushcha = chanted; saamaani = the hymns of Samaveda; yathaa shaastram = according to the rules.

Then, those priests engaged for the benefit of the king poured oblations into the fire and recited sacred texts (relevant to the funeral rites). Those among the priests, who could recite the hymns of Samaveda, chanted them according to the rules. .

शिबिकाभिः च यानैः च यथा अर्हम् तस्य योषितः |
नगरान् निर्ययुस् तत्र वृद्धैः परिवृताः तदा || २-७६-१९
shibikaabhiH ca yaanaiH ca yathaa arham tasya yoShitaH |
nagaraan niryayus tatra vR^iddhaiH parivR^itaaH tadaa || 2-76-19

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.19

19. tadaa = then; tasya = his; yoshhitaH = ladies; parivR^itaaH = encircled; vR^iddaiH = by elders; shibikaabhishcha = (mounted) palanquins; yaanaishcha = or other vehicles; yathaarham = as deserving; niryayuH = departed; naagaraat = from the city; tatra = to that place.

Then, his ladies, encircled by elders mounted palanquins or other vehicles, as deserving and departed from the city to that place. .

प्रसव्यम् च अपि तम् चक्रुर् ऋत्विजो अग्नि चितम् नृपम् |
स्त्रियः च शोक सम्तप्ताः कौसल्या प्रमुखाः तदा || २-७६-२०
prasavyam ca api tam cakrur R^itvijo agni citam nR^ipam |
striyaH ca shoka samtaptaaH kausalyaa pramukhaaH tadaa || 2-76-20

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.20

20. tadaa = then; R^itvijaH = the appointed priests; kausalyaapramukhaaH = Kausalya and other; striyashcha = women; shokasamtaptaaH = tormented with grief; prasavyamchaapi chakruH = circumambulated in anti-clockwise direction; tam nR^ipam = that king; agrichitam = who was lying on a funeral pile.

Then, the appointed priests as well as Kausalya and other women who were tormented with grief, circumambulated in anti clockwise direction that king who was lying on a funeral pile. .

क्रौन्चीनाम् इव नारीणाम् निनादः तत्र शुश्रुवे |
आर्तानाम् करुणम् काले क्रोशन्तीनाम् सहस्रशः || २-७६-२१
kraunciinaam iva naariiNaam ninaadaH tatra shushruve |
aartaanaam karuNam kaale kroshantiinaam sahasrashaH || 2-76-21

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.21

21. tatra kale = at that time; ninaadaH = the crying sounds; sahasrashaH = of thousands; naariiNaam = of women; karuNam = pitiably; kroshantiinaam = weeping; aartaanaam = with agony; shushruve = were heard; krouN^chiinamiva = like the sounds of female curlew birds.

At that time the crying sounds of thousands of women, pitiably weeping with agony, were heard like the sounds of female curlew birds. .

ततः रुदन्त्यो विवशा विलप्य च पुनः पुनः |
यानेभ्यः सरयू तीरम् अवतेरुर् वर अन्गनाः || २-७६-२२
tataH rudantyo vivashaa vilapya ca punaH punaH |
yaanebhyaH sarayuu tiiram avaterur vara anganaaH || 2-76-22

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.22

22. tataH = thereafter; rudantyaH = the lamenting; varaaNganaaH = ladies; vivashaaH = deprived of their grit; vilapya = wept; punaH punaH = again and again; avateruH = and descended; yaanebhyaH = from their vehicles; sarayuu tiiram = at the bank of Sarayu River.

Thereafter, the lamenting ladies deprived of their grit wept again and again and descended from their vehicles at the bank of Sarayu River. .

कृत उदकम् ते भरतेन सार्धम् |
नृप अन्गना मन्त्रि पुरोहिताः च |
पुरम् प्रविश्य अश्रु परीत नेत्रा |
भूमौ दश अहम् व्यनयन्त दुह्खम् || २-७६-२३
kR^ita udakam te bharatena saardham |
nR^ipa anganaa mantri purohitaaH ca |
puram pravishya ashru pariita netraa |
bhuumau dasha aham vyanayanta duhkham || 2-76-23

Show Description: Sloka 2.76.23

23. bharatena saardham = along with Bharata; nR^ipaaNganaaH = the royal women; te = and those; mantri purohitaashcha = ministers and family priests; kR^tvaa = offered; udakam = (oblations with) water; pravishya = entered; puram = the city; ashrupariitanetraaH = with their eyes filled in tears; vyanayanta = and spent; duHkham = with great difficulty; dashaaham = the ten days; bhuumou = sleeping on the floor.

Along with Bharata, the royal women, the ministers and family priests offered their oblations with water and entered the city with their eyes filled in tears and spent ten days with great difficulty by sleeping on bare floor. .

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