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Srimad Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa | Ayodhya Kāṇḍa ~ Sarga 99 of 119

Ayodhya Kāṇḍa : book of Ayodhya || Total Sargas (or) Chapters: 119

Abstract: The preparations for Rama’s coronation in the city of Ayodhya, his exile into the forest, and the regency of Bharata.

Sarga (chapter): 99 of 119 || śloka (verses): 42

Ayodhya Kāṇḍa Sarg 99 of 119: Audio pending upload....     
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Vālmīki (Sanskrit: वाल्मीकि)

Vālmīki (Sanskrit: वाल्मीकि)


Bharata observes various signs, proving Rama’s hermitage in the vicinity of his place of search. After proceeding for a distance, Bharata beholds Rama’s hermitage and Rama too seated in the hut, wearing matted locks. Bharata laments on Rama’s misfortune of living as an ascetic Bharata and Shatrughna throw themselves on Rama’s feet in salutation. Rama embraces them both.

निविष्टायाम् तु सेनायाम् उत्सुको भरतः तदा |
जगाम भ्रातरम् द्रष्टुम् शत्रुघ्नम् अनुदर्शयन् || २-९९-१
niviShTaayaam tu senaayaam utsuko bharataH tadaa |
jagaama bhraataram draShTum shatrughnam anudarshayan || 2-99-1

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.1

1. tadaa = then; niviSTaayaam = having stationed; senaayaam = his forces; bharataH = Bharata; jagaama = set out; utsukaH = eagerly; draSTum = to see; bhraataram = his brother; anudarshayan = pointing out (the sign of Rama’s habitation); shatrughnam = to Shatrughna.

Having stationed his forces, Bharata set out eagerly to see his brother, pointing out the sign of Rama’s habitation to Shatrughna .

ऋषिम् वसिष्ठम् संदिश्य मातृऋर् मे शीघ्रम् आनय |
इति तरितम् अग्रे स जागम गुरु वत्सलः || २-९९-२
R^iShim vasiShTham sa.ndishya maatR^iR^ir me shiighram aanaya |
iti taritam agre sa jaagama guru vatsalaH || 2-99-2

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.2

2. saH = Bharata; guruvatsalaH = who was affectionate towards the elders; samdishya = informed; R^iSim = the sage; vasiSTam = Vasishta; iti = thus; aanaya = bring; me = my; maatR^iiH = mothers; shiighram = soon; jagaama = (and) went; agre = ahead; tvaritam = quickly.

Bharata, who was affectionate towards the elders, asked the sage Vasishta to bring his mothers soon thereafter and went ahead quickly .

सुमन्त्रः तु अपि शतुघ्नम् अदूराद् अन्वपद्यत |
राम दार्शनजः तर्षो भरतस्य इव तस्य च || २-९९-३
sumantraH tu api shatughnam aduuraad anvapadyata |
raama daarshanajaH tarSho bharatasya iva tasya ca || 2-99-3

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.3

3. sumantrastvapi = Sumantra also; anvapadyata = followed; aduuraat = at a little distance; shatrughnam = after Shatrughna; tarSaH = an eager desire; raama darshanajaH = connected with seeing of Rama; bharatasyeva = like in Bharata; tasya cha = was there in him also.

Sumantra also, equally desirous of seeing Rama; followed Shatrughna at a little distance .

गग्च्छन्न् एव अथ भरतः तापस आलय संस्थिताम् |
भ्रातुः पर्ण कुटीम् श्रीमान् उटजम् च ददर्श ह || २-९९-४
gagcchhann eva atha bharataH taapasa aalaya sa.nsthitaam |
bhraatuH parNa kuTiim shriimaan uTajam ca dadarsha ha || 2-99-4

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.4

4. atha = threafter; shriimaan = (While) the illustrious; bharataH = Bharata; gachchhanneva = passed on; dadarsha ha = (he) observed; parNakuTiim = a leafy hut; bhraatuH = of his brother; uTajam cha = and a (small) hut made of leaves nearby; taapasaalaya samsthitaan = situated in that wood of ascestics.

While the illustrious Bharata passed on, he observed in that wood of ascetics, a leafy hut of his brother together with a small hut made of leaves, nearby .

शालायाः तु अग्रतः तस्या ददर्श भरतः तदा |
काष्टानि च अवभग्नानि पुष्पाण्य् अवचितानि च || २-९९-५
shaalaayaaH tu agrataH tasyaa dadarsha bharataH tadaa |
kaaShTaani ca avabhagnaani puShpaaNy avacitaani ca || 2-99-5

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.5

5. tadaa = then; bharataH = Bharata; dadarsha = beheld; kaaSThaami = wood; avabhagnaami = that had been broken up; puSpaaNicha = and flowers; apachitaani = gathered; agrataH = in front; tasyaaH = shaalaayaaH = of that hermitage.

Bharata then beheld wood that had been broken up and heaps of flowers gathered in front of that hermitage .

स लक्ष्मणस्य रामस्य ददर्शाश्रममीयुषः |
कृतं वृक्षेष्वभिज्ञानं कुशचीरैः क्वचित् क्वचित् || २-९९-६
sa lakshmaNasya raamasya dadarshaashramamiiyuShaH |
kR^itaM vR^ikSheShvabhijJNaanaM kushachiiraiH kvachit kvachit || 2-99-6

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.6

6. abhi^Naanam = as signs serving as a proper direction to their hermitage; kR^itam = were tied; vR^ikSeSu = to the trees; kusha chiiraiH = tufts of Kusha grass and strips of bark; kvachit kvachit = here and there; raamasya = lakSmaNasya = by Rama and Lakshmana; saH = (which) Bharata; dadarsha = saw; iiyuSaH = while coming; aashramam = to the hermitage.

While coming to the hermitage, Bharata saw some signs here and there serving as a proper direction to that hermitage, tufts of Kusha grass and strips of bark tied to the trees by Rama and Lakshmana .

स ददर्श वने तस्मिन् महतः संचयान् कृतान् |
मृगाणाम् महिषाणाम् च करीषैः शीत कारणात् || २-९९-७
sa dadarsha vane tasmin mahataH sa.ncayaan kR^itaan |
mR^igaaNaam mahiShaaNaam ca kariiShaiH shiita kaaraNaat || 2-99-7

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.7

7. saH = He; dadarsha = (also) saw; mahataH = great; samchayaan = heaps; kariiSaiH = of deers; mahiSaaNaamcha = and buffaloes; tasmin vane = in that abode; kR^itaan = made ready; shiitakaaraNaat = for protection against cold.

Bharata also saw in the vicinity great heaps of dried dung of deers and buffaloes, kept ready for protection against cold .

गग्च्छन् एव महा बाहुर् द्युतिमान् भरतः तदा |
शत्रुघ्नम् च अब्रवीद्द् हृष्टः तान् अमात्यामः च सर्वशः || २-९९-८
gagcchhan eva mahaa baahur dyutimaan bharataH tadaa |
shatrughnam ca abraviidd hR^iShTaH taan amaatyaamH ca sarvashaH || 2-99-8

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.8

8. tadaa = then; gachchhanneva = proceeding further; dyutimaan = the valiant; mahaabaahuH = and the mighty armed; bharataH = Bharata; abraviit; spoke; shatrughnam cha = to Shatrughna; hR^iSTaH = in joy; taan = and those; amaatyaamshcha = ministers; sarvashaH = (who surrounded him) on every side.

Then, proceeding further, the valiant and the mighty armed Bharata spoke to Shatrughna in joy, as also those ministers who surrounded him .

मन्ये प्राप्ताः स्म तम् देशम् भरद्वाजो यम् अब्रवीत् |
न अतिदूरे हि मन्ये अहम् नदीम् मन्दाकिनीम् इतः || २-९९-९
manye praaptaaH sma tam desham bharadvaajo yam abraviit |
na atiduure hi manye aham nadiim mandaakiniim itaH || 2-99-9

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.9

9. manye = I think; praaptaaH sma = we have reached; tam desham = that place; yam = about which; bharadvaajaH = Bharadwaja; abraviit = told (us); aham = I; manye = believe; mandaakiniim nadiim = Mandakini River; naati duure = is not so far; itaH = from here.

“I think we have reached the place about which Bharadwaja directed us. I believe Mandakini River is not far from here.” .

उच्चैर् बद्धानि चीराणि लक्ष्मणेन भवेद् अयम् |
अभिज्नान कृतः पन्था विकाले गन्तुम् इग्च्छता || २-९९-१०
uccair baddhaani ciiraaNi lakShmaNena bhaved ayam |
abhijnaana kR^itaH panthaa vikaale gantum igcchhataa || 2-99-10

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.10

10. chiiraaNi = these pieces of bark; baddhaami = have been tied up; uchchaiH = from above; ayam = this; bhavet = may be; panthaaH = the path; abhij^Naana kR^itaH = provided as signs; lakSmaNena = by Lakshmana; ichchhataa = desiring; gantum = to find his way back; akaale = in odd hours (of darkness).

“These pieces of bark have been tied up from above. This may be the path provided as signs by Lakshmana in order to find his way back in odd hours of darkness.” .

इदम् च उदात्त दन्तानाम् कुन्जराणाम् तरस्विनाम् |
शैल पार्श्वे परिक्रान्तम् अन्योन्यम् अभिगर्जताम् || २-९९-११
idam ca udaatta dantaanaam kunjaraaNaam tarasvinaam |
shaila paarshve parikraantam anyonyam abhigarjataam || 2-99-11

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.11

11. shailapaarshve = at the side of the mountain; idam = this; parikraantam = is a roaming place; kuN^jaraaNaam = of elephants; udaatta dantaanaam = having huge teeth; tarasvinaam = violent; abhigarjataam = ferociously roaring at; anyauyam = each other.

“At the side of the mountain, this is a roaming place of elephants, having huge teeth, violent as they are and ferociously roaring at each other.” .

यम् एव आधातुम् इग्च्छन्ति तापसाः सततम् वने |
तस्य असौ दृश्यते धूमः सम्कुलः कृष्ट वर्त्मनः || २-९९-१२
yam eva aadhaatum igcchhanti taapasaaH satatam vane |
tasya asau dR^ishyate dhuumaH samkulaH kR^iShTa vartmanaH || 2-99-12

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.12

12. asau = this; samkulaH = is an intense; dhuumaH = smoke; dR^ishyate = being seen; tasya krishNa vartmanaH = from that fire; yameva = which; taapasaaH = the sages; vane = in the forest; satatam = always; ichchhanti = desire; aadhaatum = to keep.

“See this intense smoke coming from that fire which the sages in the forest always desire to keep in their hermitages.”.

अत्र अहम् पुरुष व्याघ्रम् गुरु सत्कार कारिणम् |
आर्यम् द्रक्ष्यामि सम्हृष्टो महर्षिम् इव राघवम् || २-९९-१३
atra aham puruSha vyaaghram guru satkaara kaariNam |
aaryam drakShyaami samhR^iShTo maharShim iva raaghavam || 2-99-13

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.13

13. atra = here; aham = I; drakSyaami = can see; samhR^ishTaH = joyfully; raaghavam = Rama; puruSavyaaghram = the tiger among men; gurusatkaarakaariNam = who gives respect to elders; aaryam = as venerable a man; maharSimiva = as a sage.

“Here, I can see joyfully Rama, the tiger among men, who gives respect to elders and is as venerable as a sage.” .

अथ गत्वा मुहूर्तम् तु चित्र कूटम् स राघवः |
मन्दाकिनीम् अनुप्राप्तः तम् जनम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-९९-१४
atha gatvaa muhuurtam tu citra kuuTam sa raaghavaH |
mandaakiniim anupraaptaH tam janam ca idam abraviit || 2-99-14

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.14

14. atha = thereafter; gatvaa = proceeding; muhuurtam = for a while ; chitrakuuTam = on Chitrakuta mountain; anupraaptaH = and reaching mandaakiniim = the River Mandakini; sah raaghavaH = that Bharata; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; tam janam = to those people (his ministers and others).

Proceeding for a while on Chitrakuta mountain and reaching the River Mandakini, that Bharata said to his ministers and others as follows: .

जगत्याम् पुरुष व्याघ्र आस्ते वीर आसने रतः |
जन इन्द्रो निर्जनम् प्राप्य धिन् मे जन्म सजीवितम् || २-९९-१५
jagatyaam puruSha vyaaghra aaste viira aasane rataH |
jana indro nirjanam praapya dhin me janma sajiivitam || 2-99-15

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.15

15. puruSa vyaaghraH = the foremost of men; janendraH = and the Lord of the people; praapya = having sought; nirjanam = seclusion; aaste = sat; jagatyaam = on the floor; rataH = delighted; viiraasane = in the posture of a hero (with his left foot placed on his right knee); dhik = O fie; me = unto my; janma = birth; sajiivitam = and life!.

“The foremost of men and the Lord of the people, having sought seclusion, sat on the floor, delighted as he was in the posture of a hero (with his left foot placed on his right knee). O Fie unto my birth and life!” .

मत् कृते व्यसनम् प्राप्तो लोक नाथो महा द्युतिः |
सर्वान् कामान् परित्यज्य वने वसति राघवः || २-९९-१६
mat kR^ite vyasanam praapto loka naatho mahaa dyutiH |
sarvaan kaamaan parityajya vane vasati raaghavaH || 2-99-16

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.16

16. raaghavaH = Rama; lokanaathaH = the Lord of Men; mahaadyutiH = with great lustre; praaptaH = has been overtaken vyasanam = by this msfortune; matkR^ite = because of me; parityajya = and leaving; sarvaan = all; kaamaan = enjoyments; vasati = is residing; vane = in the forest.

“Rama the Lord of Men with great luster, has been overtaken by this misfortune because of me and leaving all enjoyments, is living in the forest.” .

इति लोक समाक्रुष्टः पादेषु अद्य प्रसादयन् |
रामस्य निपतिष्यामि सीतायाः च पुनः पुनः || २-९९-१७
iti loka samaakruShTaH paadeShu adya prasaadayan |
raamasya nipatiShyaami siitaayaaH ca punaH punaH || 2-99-17

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.17

17. iti = thus; lokasamaakruSTaH = abhored by the world; (I will); adya = today; nipatiSyaami = fall; paadeSu = on the feet; raamasya = of Rama; siitaayaaH = Seetha; lakSmaNasya cha = and Lakshmana; prasaadayam = and seek to regain (Rama’s) grace.

“Thus abhhored by the world, I will fall on the feet of Rama, Seetha and Lakshmana and seek to regain Rama’s grace.” .

एवम् स विलपमः तस्मिन् वने दशरथ आत्मजः |
ददर्श महतीम् पुण्याम् पर्ण शालाम् मनो रमाम् || २-९९-१८
साल ताल अश्व कर्णानाम् पर्णैर् बहुभिर् आवृताम् |
विशालाम् मृदुभिः तीर्णाम् कुशैर् वेदिम् इव अध्वरे || २-९९-१९
शक्र आयुध निकाशैः च कार्मुकैर् भार साधनैः |
रुक्म पृष्ठैर् महा सारैः शोभिताम् शत्रु बाधकैः || २-९९-२०
अर्क रश्मि प्रतीकाशैर् घोरैः तूणी गतैः शरैः |
शोभिताम् दीप्त वदनैः सर्पैर् भोगवतीम् इव || २-९९-२१
महा रजत वासोभ्याम् असिभ्याम् च विराजिताम् |
रुक्म बिन्दु विचित्राभ्याम् चर्मभ्याम् च अपि शोभिताम् || २-९९-२२
गोधा अन्गुलित्रैर् आसाक्तैः चित्रैः कान्चन भूषितैः |
अरि सम्घैर् अनाधृष्याम् मृगैः सिम्ह गुहाम् इव || २-९९-२३
evam sa vilapamH tasmin vane dasharatha aatmajaH |
dadarsha mahatiim puNyaam parNa shaalaam mano ramaam || 2-99-18
saala taala ashva karNaanaam parNair bahubhir aavR^itaam |
vishaalaam mR^idubhiH tiirNaam kushair vedim iva adhvare || 2-99-19
shakra aayudha nikaashaiH ca kaarmukair bhaara saadhanaiH |
rukma pR^iShThair mahaa saaraiH shobhitaam shatru baadhakaiH || 2-99-20
arka rashmi pratiikaashair ghoraiH tuuNii gataiH sharaiH |
shobhitaam diipta vadanaiH sarpair bhogavatiim iva || 2-99-21
mahaa rajata vaasobhyaam asibhyaam ca viraajitaam |
rukma bindu vicitraabhyaam carmabhyaam ca api shobhitaam || 2-99-22
godhaa angulitrair aasaaktaiH citraiH kaancana bhuuShitaiH |
ari samghair anaadhR^iShyaam mR^igaiH simha guhaam iva || 2-99-23

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.18 to 2.99.23

18;19;20;21;22;23. dasharathaatmajaH = (As) Bharata; samvilapam = was lamenting; evam = thus; dadarsha = (he) beheld; tasmin vane = in that forest; parNashaalaam = a leafy hut; mahatiim = splendid; puNyam = sacred; manoramaam = and charming; aavR^itam = which was covered; bahubhiH = with many; mR^idubhiH = soft; parNaiH = leaves; saala taalaashvakarNaanaam = of Sala; Tala and Ashvakarna trees; tiirNaam = and overspread; kushaiH = with blades of Kusa grass; adhvare = in a sacrificial performance; vishaalam vedimiva = appearing like an extensive altar; shobhitaam = and it was adorned; kaarmukaiH = with bows; rukmapR^iSThaiH = plated with gold; shakraayudhanikaashaiH = like unto the weapons of Indra the Lord of celestials; bhaara saadhanaiH = constructed for heroic exploits; mahaa saaraiH = having great power; shatru baadhakaiH = the torments of their foes; shobhitaam = graced; ghoraiH = with fearful; sharaiH = arrows; tuuNiigataiH = in their quivers; arkarashmi pratiikaashaiH = like unto the rays of the sun (bright); sarpaiH = as serpants; diipta vadanaiH = with shining hoods; bhogavatiim iva = in the same way of Bhogavati (the realm of Nagas); viraajitaam = decked; asibhyaam = with a couple of swords; mahaa rajatavaasobhyaam = encased in sheaths of gold; shobhitaam = and adorned; charmabhyaam = with two shields; rukmabindu vichitraabhyaam = decorated with flowers of gold; godhaaN^gulitraiH = finger-guards; kaaNchana bhuuSitaiH = embroidered with gold; chitraiH = in different colours; aasaktaiH = suspened on walls; anaadhR^iSTyaam = which hut was unassailable; arisamghaiH = by hordes of enemies; simhaagnhamiva = as is a lion’s cave; mR^igaiH = to deer.

As Bharata was lamenting thus, he beheld in that forest, a splendid and sacred leafy hut, which was covered with many soft leaves of Sala, Tala and Asvakarna trees, overspread with blades of Kusa grass in a sacrificial performance, appearing like an extensive altar and it was adorned with bows plated with gold, like unto the weapons of Indra the Lord of celestials, constructed for heroic exploits, having great power, the torments of their foes, graced with fearful arrows in their quivers, like unto the rays of the sun, bright as serpents with shining hoods, in the same way of Bhagavati (the realm of Nagas), decked with a couple of swords encased in sheaths of gold, adorned with two shields decorated with flowers of gold, finger-guards embroidered with gold and in different colours suspended on walls and which hut was unassailable by hordes of enemies as is a lion’s cave to deer .

प्राग् उदक् स्रवणाम् वेदिम् विशालाम् दीप्त पावकाम् |
ददर्श भरतः तत्र पुण्याम् राम निवेशने || २-९९-२४
praag udak sravaNaam vedim vishaalaam diipta paavakaam |
dadarsha bharataH tatra puNyaam raama niveshane || 2-99-24

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.24

24. bharataH = Bharata; dadarsha = saw; tatra = there; vedim = a sacrificial altar; praagudakpravaNaam = in the north-east corner; having a steep descent; vishaalaam = extensive; diipta paavakaam = and having a burned fire; puNyaam = and sacred; raamaniveshane = in the hermitage of Rama.

Bharata saw a sacrificial altar in the north-east corner having a steep descent, extensive in area and having a sacred fire burned in the hermitage of Rama .

निरीक्ष्य स मुहूर्तम् तु ददर्श भरतो गुरुम् |
उटजे रामम् आसीनाम् जटा मण्डल धारिणम् || २-९९-२५
niriikShya sa muhuurtam tu dadarsha bharato gurum |
uTaje raamam aasiinaam jaTaa maNDala dhaariNam || 2-99-25

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.25

25.niriikSya = looking around; muhuurtam = for a moment; saH bharataH = that Bharata; dadarsha = beheld; gurm = his elder brother; raamam = Rama; aasiinam = seated; uTaje = in the hut; jaTaamaN^Dala dhaariNam = wearing matted locks.

Looking around for a moment, Bharata beheld his elder brother, Rama himself seated in the hut, wearing matted locks .

तम् तु कृष्ण अजिन धरम् चीर वल्कल वाससम् |
ददर्श रामम् आसीनम् अभितः पावक उपमम् || २-९९-२६
सिम्ह स्कन्धम् महा बाहुम् पुण्डरीक निभ ईक्षणम् |
पृथिव्याः सगर अन्ताया भर्तारम् धर्म चारिणम् || २-९९-२७
उपविष्टम् महा बाहुम् ब्रह्माणम् इव शाश्वतम् |
स्थण्डिले दर्भ सस्म्तीर्णे सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च || २-९९-२८
tam tu kR^iShNa ajina dharam ciira valkala vaasasam |
dadarsha raamam aasiinam abhitaH paavaka upamam || 2-99-26
simha skandham mahaa baahum puNDariika nibha iikShaNam |
pR^ithivyaaH sagara antaayaa bhartaaram dharma caariNam || 2-99-27
upaviShTam mahaa baahum brahmaaNam iva shaashvatam |
sthaNDile darbha sasmtiirNe siitayaa lakShmaNena ca || 2-99-28

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.26 to 2.99.28

26; 27; 28. dadarsha = (Bharata) saw; tam raamam = that Rama; kR^iSnaajinadharam = clad in an antelope-skin; chiira valkala vaasanam = and robes of bark; aasiinam = seated closely; paavakopamam = resembling a fire (in brilliance); simha skandham = with the neck and shoulders of a lion; mahaa baahum = mighty arms; puN^DariikanibhekSaNam = and eyes resembling the lotus; dharmachaariNam = the very virtuous; bhartaaram = lord; pR^ithivyaaH = of the Earth; saagaraantaayaaH = extending upto the ocean; shaashvatam = the eternal; brahmaaNamiva = Brahma; upaviSTam = and seated; sthaNNile = on the ground; darbhasamstiirNe = spread with Darbha grass; siitayaa lakSmaNena cha = with Seetha and Lakshman.

Bharata saw that Rama clad in an antelope-skin and robes of bark, seated close by, resembling a fire (in brilliance), with the neck and shoulders of a lion, mighty arms and eyes resembling the lotus, the very virtuous Lord of the Earth extending upto the ocean, the Eternal Brahma, and seated on the ground spread with Darbha grass, with Seetha and Lakshmana .

तम् दृष्ट्वा भरतः श्रीमान् दुह्ख मोह परिप्लुतः |
अभ्यधावत धर्म आत्मा भरतः कैकयी सुतः || २-९९-२९
tam dR^iShTvaa bharataH shriimaan duhkha moha pariplutaH |
abhyadhaavata dharma aatmaa bharataH kaikayii sutaH || 2-99-29

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.29

29. dR^iSTvaa = beholding; tam = him; shriimaan = the illustrious; dharmaatmaa = and the high-souled; bharataH = Bharata; kaikayiisutaH = the son of Kaikeyi; duHkha shoka pariplutaH = distraught by the grief that passessed him; abhyadhaavata = rushed towards Rama.

Beholding him, the illustrious and the high-souled Bharata the son of Kaikeyim distraught by the grief that possessed him, rushed towards Rama .

दृष्ट्वा च विललाप आर्तो बाष्प संदिग्धया गिरा |
अशक्नुवन् धारयितुम् धैर्याद् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || २-९९-३०
dR^iShTvaa ca vilalaapa aarto baaShpa sa.ndigdhayaa giraa |
ashaknuvan dhaarayitum dhairyaad vacanam abraviit || 2-99-30

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.30

30. dR^iSTvaiva = on seeing (his brother); (Bharata) vilalaapa arto = broke into lamentations; giraa = and in a voice; baaSpa samdigdhayaa = strangled with sobs; ashaknuan = unable; dhaarayitum- to restrain his agony; dhairyaat = with firmness; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = (those) words.

“My elder brother who is fit to be honoured in an assembly by a body of ministers around him, is now being served by a body of wild beasts around him in this jungle.” .

यः संसदि प्रकृतिभिर् भवेद् युक्त उपासितुम् |
वन्यैर् मृगैर् उपासीनः सो अयम् आस्ते मम अग्रजः || २-९९-३१
yaH sa.nsadi prakR^itibhir bhaved yukta upaasitum |
vanyair mR^igair upaasiinaH so ayam aaste mama agrajaH || 2-99-31

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.31

31Mama agrajaH = my elder brother; yaH = who; bhavet = becomes; yuktaH = eligible; upaasitum = to be honoured; samsadi = in an assembly; prakR^itibhiH = by the body of ministers; ayam = this; saH = he as such; aaste = is; upaasinaH = being served; mR^igaiH = by wild beasts; vanyaiH = in the jungle.

“My elder brother who is fit to be honoured in an assembly by a body of ministers around him, is now being served by a body of wild beasts around him in this jungle.” .

वासोभिर् बहु साहस्रैर् यो महात्मा पुर उचितः |
मृग अजिने सो अयम् इह प्रवस्ते धर्मम् आचरन् || २-९९-३२
vaasobhir bahu saahasrair yo mahaatmaa pura ucitaH |
mR^iga ajine so ayam iha pravaste dharmam aacaran || 2-99-32

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.32

32. saH = that; mahaatmaa = magnanimous hero; ayam = this one; yaH = who; puraa = formerly; aacharan = used; uchitaH = to have fit; bahusaharaiH = and countless; vaasobhiH = articles of apparel; aacharan = and following; dharmam = pravaste = is wearing (now); mR^igaajine = two antelope skins.

“That magnanimous hero, who formerly used to possess countless articles of apparel is now wearing two antelope-skins, following ascetic righteousness .

अधारयद् यो विविधाः चित्राः सुमनसः तदा |
सो अयम् जटा भारम् इमम् सहते राघवः कथम् || २-९९-३३
adhaarayad yo vividhaaH citraaH sumanasaH tadaa |
so ayam jaTaa bhaaram imam sahate raaghavaH katham || 2-99-33

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.33

33. katham = how; ayam raaghavaH = this Rama; yaH = who; tadaa = then; aadhaarayat = donned; vividhaaH = various kinds; chitraaH = of colourful; sumanasaH = flowers; saH = he; sahate = bears; imam jaTaabhaaram = this burden of matted locks?

“How this Rama, who used to wear various kinds of colourful flowers, is bearing this burden of matted locks now?” .

यस्य यज्नैर् यथा आदिष्टैर् युक्तो धर्मस्य संचयः |
शरीर क्लेश सम्भूतम् स धर्मम् परिमार्गते || २-९९-३४
yasya yajnair yathaa aadiShTair yukto dharmasya sa.ncayaH |
shariira klesha sambhuutam sa dharmam parimaargate || 2-99-34

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.34

34. yasya = for whom; yuktaH = is appropriate; samchayaH = an affluence; dharmasya = of righteousness; yaj^NaiH = obtained by sacrificial rites; yathaadiSTaiH = performed according to the prescribed injunctions; saH = that Rama; parimaargate = is striving after; dharmam = a righteousness; shariirakleshasambhuutam = obtained from bodily suffering.

“He who acquired merit through countless sacrifices performed according to the prescribed injunctions, now follows the path of righteousness through asceticism!” .

चन्दनेन महा अर्हेण यस्य अन्गम् उपसेवितम् |
मलेन तस्य अन्गम् इदम् कथम् आर्यस्य सेव्यते || २-९९-३५
candanena mahaa arheNa yasya angam upasevitam |
malena tasya angam idam katham aaryasya sevyate || 2-99-35

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.35

35. yasya tasya = He whose; aN^gam = body; (was formerly); upasevitam = rendered fragrant; chandanena = by sandal paste; mahaarham = the white one; katham = how; idam aNgam = this body; aaryasya = of the venerable elder brother; sevyate = is smeared; malena = with dust?

“He whose body was formerly rendered fragrant by white sandal paste, has only dust with which to smear the limbs of this venerable elder brother!” .

मन् निमित्तम् इदम् दुह्खम् प्राप्तो रामः सुख उचितः |
धिग् जीवितम् नृशंसस्य मम लोक विगर्हितम् || २-९९-३६
man nimittam idam duhkham praapto raamaH sukha ucitaH |
dhig jiivitam nR^isha.nsasya mama loka vigarhitam || 2-99-36

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.36

36. raamaH = Rama; sukhochitaH = who used to have comfort; praaptaH = has got; idam duHkham = this unpleasantness; mannimittam = because of me; dhik = cursed be; mama = my; nR^ishamsam = reprechensible; jiivitam = existence; lokavigarhitam = that the whole world condemns!

“Rama who used to have happiness, has fallen into this misfortune, because of me cursed be my reprehensive existence that the whole world condemns!” .

इत्य् एवम् विलपन् दीनः प्रस्विन्न मुख पन्कजः |
पादाउ अप्राप्य रामस्य पपात भरतो रुदन् || २-९९-३७
ity evam vilapan diinaH prasvinna mukha pankajaH |
paadaau apraapya raamasya papaata bharato rudan || 2-99-37

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.37

37. ityevam = thus; (did); diinaH = the pitiable; bharataH = Bharata; vilapan = lament; prasvinnamukha paNkajaH = perspiration be-dewing his lotus-like countenance; apraapya = and without touching; raamasya = Rama’s; paadau = feet; papaata = fell down; rudam = groaming.

Thus did that pitiable Bharata lament, perspiration be-dewing his lotus-like countenance and, without touching Rama’s feet, fell down grooming .

दुह्ख अभितप्तो भरतो राज पुत्रो महा बलः |
उक्त्वा आर्य इति सकृद् दीनम् पुनर् न उवाच किंचन || २-९९-३८
duhkha abhitapto bharato raaja putro mahaa balaH |
uktvaa aarya iti sakR^id diinam punar na uvaaca ki.ncana || 2-99-38

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.38

38. duHkhaabhitaptaH = overcome with grief; mahaabalaH = the highly valiant; raajaputraH = prince; bharataH = Bharata; uktvaa = cried out; aarya iti = O Noble one”; sakR^it = once; diinam = and in his distress; novaacha = was unable to speak; kimchana = a little; punaH = further.

Overcome with grief, the highly valiant prince Bharata cried out “O, Noble One!” once and in his distress, was unable to speak anything further .

बाष्प अपिहित कण्ठः च प्रेक्ष्य रामम् यशस्विनम् |
आर्य इत्य् एव अभिसम्क्रुश्य व्याहर्तुम् न अशकत् ततः || २-९९-३९
baaShpa apihita kaNThaH ca prekShya raamam yashasvinam |
aarya ity eva abhisamkrushya vyaahartum na ashakat tataH || 2-99-39

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.39

39. samkR^ishya = crying at the top of his voice; aaryetyeva = “O Noble One” only; prekSya = on seeing; yashasvinam = the illustrious; raamam = Rama; naashakat = he was unable; vyaahartum = to speak; tadaa = then; atha = further; baaSpaabhihata kaNThashcha = his throat choked with tears.

Crying at the top of his voice, “O, Noble One” only, on seeing the illustrious Rama, he was unable to speak further, his throat choked with tears .

शत्रुघ्नः च अपि रामस्य ववन्दे चरणौ रुदन् |
ताउ उभौ स समालिन्ग्य रामो अप्य् अश्रूण्य् अवर्तयत् || २-९९-४०
shatrughnaH ca api raamasya vavande caraNau rudan |
taau ubhau sa samaalingya raamo apy ashruuNy avartayat || 2-99-40

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.40

40. shatrughnashchaapi = Shatrughna too; rudan = weaping; vavande = throw himself; raamasya = at Rama’s; charaNau = feet; saH raamashcha = and that Rama too; samaaliN^gya = embracing; tau ubhau = them both; avartayat = could not restrain; ashruuNi = his tears.

Shatrughna too, weeping, threw himself at Rama’s feet and Rama too, embracing them both, allowed his tears to fall .

ततः सुमन्त्रेण गुहेन चैव |
समीयतू राज सुताउ अरण्ये |
दिवा करः चैव निशा करः च |
यथा अम्बरे शुक्र बृहस्पतिभ्याम् || २-९९-४१
tataH sumantreNa guhena caiva |
samiiyatuu raaja sutaau araNye |
divaa karaH caiva nishaa karaH ca |
yathaa ambare shukra bR^ihaspatibhyaam || 2-99-41

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.41

41. tataH = then; araNye = in that forest; raajasutau = the princes Rama and Lakshmana; samiiyataH = were seen; sumantreNa = by Sumantra; guhena chaiva = and Guha; yathaa = as; ambare = in the sky; divaakarashchaiva = the sun; nishaakarashcha = and the moon (are seen in conjunction); shukra bR^ihaspatibhyaam = with Venus and Jupiter.

Then, in that forest, the princes Rama and Lakshmana were seen by Sumantra and Guha, as in the sky, the sun and the moon are seen in conjunction with Venus and Jupiter .

तान् पार्थिवान् वारण यूथप आभान् |
समागतामः तत्र महत्य् अरण्ये |
वन ओकसः ते अपि समीक्ष्य सर्वे अप्य् |
अश्रूण्य् अमुन्चन् प्रविहाय हर्षम् || २-९९-४२
taan paarthivaan vaaraNa yuuthapa aabhaan |
samaagataamH tatra mahaty araNye |
vana okasaH te api samiikShya sarve apy |
ashruuNy amuncan pravihaaya harSham || 2-99-42

Show Description: Sloka 2.99.42

42. sarve = all; te = those; vanaukasaH = dwellers in the woods; samiikSya = seeing; taan paarthivaan = those princes; vaaraNayuuthapaabhaan = resembling the leaders of elephant-herbs; samaagataan = meeting together; tatra = there; mahati = in that great; araNye = forest; pravihaaya = losing; harSam = their cheerfulness; aasmuNahan = shed; ashruuNi = tears.

All those dwellers in the woods, seeing those princes resembling leaders of elephant-herbs meeting together there in that great forest, losing their cheerfulness, began to shed tears .

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