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Adaikala Pathu (அடைகள பத்து )

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Stotra: Adaikala Pathu


Verses: 11

Stuti: About Lord Vishnu.

Language: Tamil




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This Stotra was originally composed in Tamil. Other languages are for your convenience

1. பத்தி முதலாம் மவதில், பத்தி எனக்கு கூடாமல்,
எத்திசையும் உழன்று ஓடி இளைத்து விழும் க்கம் போல்,
முதி தரும் நகர் எழில் முக்கியமாம் கச்சி தன்னில்,
அத்திகிரி அருள் ஆளற்கு, அடைகாலம் நான் புகுந்தேனே.

2. சடை முடியன், சதுர் முகனென்று, இவர் முதலாம் தரம் எல்லாம்,
அடைய வினை பயனாகி, அழிந்து விடும் படி கண்டு,
கடி மலரில் பிரியாத கச்சி நகர் அதி கிரி,
இடமுடைய அருளாளர், இணைய அடிகள் அடைந்தேனே.

3. தந்திரங்கள் வேரின்றி தமது வழி அழியாது,
மந்திரங்கள் தம்மாலும், மதுமுள்ள உரையாலும்,
அந்தரம் கண்டு அடி பணிவார், அனைவர்க்கும் அருள் புரியும்,
சிந்துர வேர் பிரையவனார், சீலம் அல்லது அறியேனே.

4. க்கம் இராக்கதன், மன்னர் காதலி கதிர பந்து,
நகம் அரண் அயன் முதலா நக நகரார் தமக்கும்,
போகம்யோர் வீடு பெற பொன்னருள் செய்தமை கண்டு,
நக மலை நாயகனார் நல்லடி போடடைன்தேனே.

5. உகக்கும் அவை உஹந்து, உகவா அனைத்தும் ஒழிந்து, துஉறவு குண,
மிக துணிவு பெற உணர்ந்து, வியன் கவலேன வரித்து,
ஜகத்தில் ஒரு புகழ் இல்ல தவம் அறியேன் மதி கச்சி,
நகர் கருணை நாதனை நல்ல அடைக்கலாமி அடைந்தேனே.

6. அளவுடையார் அடைந்தார்க்கும், அதன் உரையே கொண்டவர்க்கும்,
வளவுரை தந்தவன் அருளே, மன்னிய மதவதொர்க்கும்,
கலவோழிவார் அமர் என, இசைந்தவர்க்கும் காவலராம்,
துலவ முடி அருள் வரதர், துவக்கில் எனை வைத்தேனே.

7. உமது அடிகள் அடைகேன்றேன் என்று ஒரு நாள் உரைதவரை.
அமையும் இனி என்பவர் போல், அஞ்சல் என கரம் வைத்து,
தமது அனைத்தும் அவர் தமக்கு வழங்கியும் தாம் மிக விளங்கும்,
அமைவுடைய அருளாளர் அடியினை அடைந்தேனே.

8. தினமாய் குர்யமைக்கும், நிறைகைக்கும் தீ வினால்,
உண்மை மரவமைக்கும், உலா மத்தியில் உகக்கைக்கும்,
தாமி கழியமைக்கும் தரிக்கைக்குக்ம், தணிக்கைக்கும்,
வன்மை யுடை அருளாளர் வாசகங்கள் மறவேனே.

9. சுரிதி நினிவு இவை அறியும், துநிவுடயோர் தூ மொழிகள்,
பரிதிமதி ஆசிரியர் பாசுரம் சேர்ந்து அருக்கனங்கள்,
கருதியொரு தெளி வாளால் கலக்கம் அறுத்தது கிரி,
பரிதி மதி நயனமுடை பரமன் அடி பணிந்தேனே.

10. திருமகளும், திருவடிவும், திருவருளும், தெள்ளரிவும்,
மறுமை இளமையும் உறவும், அளப்பரிய வடிவரசும்,
கருமம் அழிப்பு அழிப்பு அமைப்பும், கலக்கம் இலா வகை நின்ற,
அருள் வரதர் நிலை இலக்கில், அம்பென நான் அமிழ்ந்தேனே.

11. ஆறு பயன் வேரில்ல அடியவர் கல் அனைவருக்கும்,
ம ரூ ம அதன் பயனும் இவை ஒரு காலும் பல காலும்,
ஆறு பயன் எனவே கண்டு, அருள் ஆளர் அடியினை மேல்,
கூறிய நற்குனை உரைகள், இவை பத்தும் கொதிலவே.

கவி தர்கா சிம்ஹைய கல்யாணி குண ஷாலினே,
ஸ்ரீமதே வேங்கடேசாய வேதாந்த குரவே நாம.

1. పతి ముధలాం మవతిల్, పతి ఎనక్కు కూడమల్,
ఎతిసయుం ఉజ్హండ్రు ఒడి ఇలైతు విజ్హుం కాకం పోల్,
మూతి తరుం నగర్ ఎజ్హిల్ ముక్కియమాం కాచి తన్నిల్,
అతిగిరి ఆరుళ్ ఆలర్క్కు, ఆదికాలం నాన్ పుగుందేనే.

2. చది ముదియన్, చతుర్ ముకనేండ్రు, ఇవర్ ముధలాం తరం ఎల్లం,
ఆదయ విని పయనగి, అజ్హిండు విడుం పది కందు,
కాడి మలరిఅల్ పిరియత కాచి నగర్ అతి గిరి,
ఇదాముదయ అరులాలర్, ఇని అడికల్ అడింతేనే.

3. తన్తిరంగల్ వేరింద్రి తమతు వజ్హి అజ్హియాదు,
మంతిరంగల్ తమ్మలుం, మతుముల్ల ఉరయలుం,
అంతరం కందు అది పనివార్, అనైవర్క్కుం ఆరుళ్ పురియుం,
సిన్తుర వేర్ పిరైయవనార్, శీలం అల్లతు అరిఎనే.

4. కాకం ఇరక్కధాన్, మన్నార్ కడలి కతిర పంతు,
నాగం అరణ్ ఆయన ముధలా నాగ నకరార్ తమక్కుం,
భోగంయుఅర్ వీడు పేరా పొంనరుల్ చేయ్తమై కందు,
నాగ మలై నాయకనర్ నల్లది పొడడైన్తేనే.

5. ఉకక్కుం అవి ఉహందు, ఉకవ అనైతుం ఒజ్హింతు, తుఉరావు గుణ,
మిగ తునివు పేరా ఉనర్న్తు, వియన్ కావలెనా వరితు,
జగతిల్ ఒరు పుగళ్ ఇళ్ళ త్వం అరిఎన్ మతి కాచి,
నగర్ కరుణి నతని నల్ల అడైక్కలామి అడింతేనే.

6. అలవుదయర్ అడింతర్క్కుం, అతన ఉరయే కొండవర్క్కుం,
వలవురై తన్ధవన్ అరులే, మన్నియ మతవతోర్క్కుం,
కలవోజ్హివార్ అమర్ యేన, ఇసైన్తవర్క్కుం కవలరాం,
తులవ ముడి ఆరుళ్ వరదర్, తువక్కిల్ ఎనై వైతేనే.

7. ఉమదు అడికల్ అడైకేంద్రేన్ ఎందరు ఒరు నాల్ ఉరైతవరై.
అమయుం ఇని ఎంబవార్ పోల్, అంజల్ యేన కరం వైతు,
తమదు అనైతుం అవర్ తమక్కు వజ్హన్గియుం తాం మిగ విలంగుం,
అమైవుదయ అరులాలర్ అడియినయై అడింతేనే.

8. తినమై కుర్యమైక్కుం, నిరైకైక్కుం థీ వినయాల్,
ఉన్మై మరవమైక్కుం, ఉల మతియిల్ ఉగాక్కైక్కుం,
తామి కజ్హియమైక్కుం తరిక్కైక్కుకం, తనిక్కైక్కుం,
వనమై యుడి అరులలర్ వచకంగల్ మరవేనే.

9. సురితి నినివు ఇవి అరియుం, తునివుదయోర్ తూ మోజ్హిగల్,
పరితిమతి ఆసిరియర్ పాశురం చేర్న్తు అరుక్కనంగల్,
కరుతియోరు తేలి వాలాల్ కలక్కం అరుతతతు కిరి,
పరిథి మతి నయనముడై పరమాన్ అది పనిన్తేనే.

10. తిరుమగాలుం, తిరువదివుం, తిరువరులుం, తెల్లరివుం,
మరుమై ఇలమయుం ఉరవుం, అలప్పరియ వదివరసుం,
కారుమం అజ్హిప్పు అలిప్పు అమైప్పుం, కలక్కం ఇలా వగై నింద్ర,
ఆరుళ్ వరదర్ నీలి ఇలాక్కిల్, అమ్బెన నాన్ అమిజ్హ్న్దేనే.

11. ఆరు పయన వేరిల్ల అడియవార్ కల అనైవరుక్కుం,
మా ఋ మ అతన పాయనుం ఇవి ఒరు కాలుం పల కాలుం,
ఆరు పయన ఎనవే కందు, ఆరుళ్ ఆలర్ అడియినై మేల్,
కూరియ నరకుని ఉరైగల్, ఇవి పాతుం కోతిలవే.

కవి తర్క సిమ్హాయ కళ్యాణి గుణ శాలినే,
శ్రీమతే వెంకతెసయ వేదాంత గురవే నమ.

1. पथि मुधलां मवथिल्, पथि येनाक्कु कूदमल्,
येथिसयुं उज़्हन्द्रु ओदि इलैथु विज़्हुम् काकं पोल,
मुथि थरुम नगर एज़्हिल् मुक्कियमां काचि थान्निल्,
अथिगिरि अरुल् आलर्क्कु, अदैकालं नान पुगुन्धेने.

2. चदि मुदियन, चथुर मुकनेन्द्रु, इवार मुधलां थारं येल्लं,
अद्य विनी पयनगी, अज़्हिन्दु विदुं पदि कन्दु,
कादि मलरिअल् पिरियथ काचि नगर अथि गिरि,
इदमुदाय अरुलालर, इनाय आदिकाल अदैन्थेने.

3. थान्थिरन्गल् वेरिन्द्रि थामथु वज़्हि अज़्हियाधु,
मन्थिरन्गल् थंमलुं, मथुमुल्ल उरयलुं,
अन्थारं कन्दु आदि पनिवार, अनैवर्क्कुं अरुल् पुरियुं,
सिन्थुर वेर पिरैयवनार, शीलं अल्लथु अरियेने.

4. काकं इरक्कधान, मन्नर कदली कथिर पन्थु,
नागं अरण् अयन मुधला नाग नाकरार थामक्कुं,
भोगंयुअर वीदु पेरा पोन्नरुल् चेय्थमै कन्दु,
नाग मलै नयकनर नल्लदि पोददैन्थेने.

5. उकक्कुं अवि ऊहन्धु, उकाव अनैथुं ओज़्हिन्थु, थुउरवु गुण,
मिग थुनिवु पेरा उनार्न्थु, वियन कवलेन वरिथु,
जगथिल् ओरु पुगल् इलल थावं अरियेन मथि काचि,
नगर करुणै नथणै नलल अदैक्कलंय अदैन्थेने.

6. अलवुदयर अदैन्थर्क्कुं, अथन उरये कोन्दवर्क्कुं,
वलवुरै थान्धवान अरुले, माननीय मथावथोर्क्कुं,
ख़लवोज़्हिवार् अमर येन, इसैन्थवर्क्कुं कवलरां,
थुलव मुदि अरुल् वरदर, थुवक्किल् येनै वैथेने.

7. उमाधु आदिकाल अदैकेन्द्रेन येन्द्रु ओरु नाल उरैथवरै.
अमयुं इनि येन्बवर पोल, अञ्जल येन करं विथु,
थामधु अनैथुं अवर थामक्कु वज़्हन्गियुम् थां मिग विलन्गुं,
अमैवुदाय अरुलालर अदियिनायै अदैन्थेने.

8. थिनमै कुर्यमैक्कुं, निरैकैक्कुं थी विनयाल,
उन्मै मरवमैक्कुं, उल मथियिल् उगक्कैक्कुं,
थामी कज़्हियमैक्कुम् थारिक्कैक्कुक्म, थानिक्कैक्कुं,
वन्मै युदै अरुललर वचकन्गल् मरवेने.

9. सुरिथि निनिवु इवै अरियुं, थुनिवुदयोर थू मोज़्हिगल्,
परिथिमथि आसिरियर पसुरं चेर्न्थु अरुक्कनन्गल्,
करुथियोरु थेली वालाल् कलक्कं अरुथथथु किरि,
पर्थि मथि नयनमुदै परमान आदि पनिन्थेने.

10. थिरुमगलुं, थिरुवदिवुं, थिरुवरुलुं, थेल्लरिवुं,
मरुमै इलमयुं उरवुं, अलप्परिय वदिवरसुं,
कर्मं अज़्हिप्पु अलिप्पु अमैप्पुं, कलक्कं इला वगै निन्द्र,
अरुल् वरदर निलै इलक्किल्, अम्बेन नान अमिज़्ह्न्देने.

11. आरु पयन वेरिल्ल अदियवर कल अनैवरुक्कुं,
म रु म अथन पयनुं इवै ओरु कालुं पाल कालुं,
आरु पयन येनवे कन्दु, अरुल् आलर अदियिणै मेल,
कूरिय नर्कुणै उरैगल्, इवै पथुं कोथिलवे.

कवि थरक सिंहाय कल्याणि गुण शालिने,
स्रिमाथे वेन्कतेसया वेदन्थ गुरवे नाम.

1. Pathi mudhalaam mavathil, pathi yenakku koodamal,
Yethisayum uzhandru odi ilaithu vizhum kakam pol,
Muthi tharum nagar ezhil mukkiyamaam kachi thannil,
Athigiri arul aalarkku, adaikaalam naan pugundhene.

2. Chadai mudiyan, chathur mukanendru, ivar mudhalaam tharam yellam,
Adaya vinai payanagi, azhindu vidum padi kandu,
Kadi malarial piriyatha kachi nagar athi giri,
Idamudaya arulaalar, inay adikal adainthene.

3. Thanthirangal verindri thamathu vazhi azhiyaadhu,
Manthirangal thammalum, mathumulla urayalum,
Antharam kandu adi panivaar, anaivarkkum arul puriyum,
Sinthura ver piraiyavanaar, seelam allathu ariyene.

4. Kakam irakkadhan, mannar kadali kathira panthu,
Nagam aran ayan mudhalaa naga nakaraar thamakkum,
Bhogamyuar veedu pera ponnarul cheythamai kandu,
Naga malai nayakanar nalladi podadainthene.

5. Ukakkum avai uhandhu, ukava anaithum ozhinthu, thuuravu guna,
Miga thunivu pera unarnthu, viyan kavalena varithu,
Jagathil oru pugal illa thavam ariyen mathi kachi,
Nagar karunai nathanai nalla adaikkalamy adainthene.

6. Alavudayar adaintharkkum, athan uraye kondavarkkum,
Valavurai thandhavan arule, manniya mathavathorkkum,
Kalavozhivaar amar yena, isainthavarkkum kavalaraam,
Thulava mudi arul varadar, thuvakkil yenai vaithene.

7. Umadhu adikal adaikendren yendru oru naal uraithavarai.
Amayum ini yenbavar pol, anjal yena karam vaithu,
Thamadhu anaithum avar thamakku vazhangiyum thaam miga vilangum,
Amaivudaya arulaalar adiyinayai adainthene.

8. Thinamai kuryamaikkum, niraikaikkum thee vinayaal,
Unmai maravamaikkum, ula mathiyil ugakkaikkum,
Thaami kazhiyamaikkum tharikkaikkukm, thanikkaikkum,
Vanmai yudai arulalar vachakangal maravene.

9. Surithi ninivu ivai ariyum, thunivudayor thoo mozhigal,
Parithimathi aasiriyar pasuram chernthu arukkanangal,
Karuthiyoru theli vaalaal kalakkam aruthathathu kiri,
Parithi mathi nayanamudai paraman adi paninthene.

10. Thirumagalum, thiruvadivum, thiruvarulum, thellarivum,
Marumai ilamayum uravum, alappariya vadivarasum,
Karumam azhippu alippu amaippum, kalakkam ilaa vagai nindra,
Arul varadar nilai ilakkil, ambena naan amizhndene.

11. Aaru payan verilla adiyavar kal anaivarukkum,
Ma ru m athan payanum ivai oru kaalum pala kaalum,
Aaru payan yenave kandu, arul aalar adiyinai mel,
Kooriya narkunai uraigal, ivai pathum kothilave.

Kavi tharka simhaya kalyani guna shaline,
Srimathe venkatesaya Vedantha gurave nama.

1. Since I was not able to practice the path of devotion to attain salvation,
Like the crow which ran in all directions got very tired and fell at his feet,
I surrendered to the blessed god Varadaraja presiding over Hasthagiri,
In the town of Kanchipuram, the greatest blessed towns,
Among the seven towns that lead to salvation.

2. Having seen that the status of Shiva, Brahma and other Gods,
Would dilapidate due to the karmas that they have done,
I reached the twin feet of the great God of Hasthigiri of Kanchi
From whom the goddess Lakshmi never ever separates.

3. Without finding any solutions, sticking to his position,
They chant the mantras and use the explanations available,
And seeing the differences they would salute the one who blesses all,
The Varadaraja of Kanchi, whose goodness only I know.

4. Seeing that that he was giving the golden choice
Between pleasures and salvation to the crow,
The Rakshasa, the king’s wife, his royal relations, Brahma and the devas
I attained the feet of the lord of the elephant mountain.

5. Choosing those which are suitable, leaving out all that are not suitable,
Understanding his relation with great courage, taking him as one who guards,
And understanding that there is no greater penance than surrender to him.
I made a complete surrender to the merciful lord of Kanchi.

6. Unlike those great people who surrender or those who depend on the,
Great teaching of others to surrender or those who depend on their teacher,
To help them complete the surrender or those who depend,
On other great devotees dear to lord to help them complete their surrender,
I have completed my surrender with the Varadan,who gives boon of salvation.,
To all those who surrender by any of the four methods.

7. To the one who told that he would surrender to his feet one day,
He Kept his hand on him telling him not to be afraid,
As if assuring him that everything would be all right from that time,
And also giving all that he has to him and he was happy by doing that,
And I reached to surrender at the feet of that great Lord.

8. For not getting my faith diminished, for getting filled up with wisdom,
For not ever forgetting the truth due to the sins committed by me,
For filling up my mind with happiness due to the surrender,
For not forgetting about my disability, for continuing with this state of surrender,
And not to feel the problems of this normal life of the world,
I would not forget the teachings of the very powerful Lord.

9. From the holy words of those great people who knew,
The Vedas and the Smruthis, from the holy pasurams,
And from the words great ones having brain as bright as the Sun,
I cut off my confusions and attained clarity of thought,
And surrendered at the feet of the God who had sun and moon as his eyes.

10. With Goddess Lakshmi, a pretty form, divine grace and knowing everything,
With easy access to devotes and good relation with them, with immeasurable form,
With the duty of creation, upkeep and destruction and standing with stability sans confusion,
Varada with divine grace is a stable aim and I attain and merge with him like an arrow.

11. For all those devotees who do not have any other method,
These would be useful to bring them peace,once or forever
And after understanding that these are going to be useful,
These ten verses were told at the lotus like feet of the great god.

My salutations to Sri Venkatesa, the teacher of Vedas,
Who is a lion in the debates and among poets,
And is blessed with all auspicious characters.

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One Response to Adaikala Pathu (அடைகள பத்து )

  1. Vaidehi Parthaarathy June 22, 2020 at 3:52 am #

    There are spelling midtakes in Tamil poem Adaikala pathu .Kindly see if they can be corrected or publish a fresh one without mistakes . Sorry if it does not appeal to you .

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